Chapter Seven: Tony Saves Peter

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The Vulture flues up high bringing Peter with him. The plan is to bring him up high enough to drop him so he does not survive to tell anyone about the weapons. His suit realizes how high he is and lets out a parachute.

Peter gets pulled down by the parachute. He has no idea where he is going to land or if he will survive the fall. The parachute is blocking his eyesight from everything around him. But Peter doesn't care.

Is he scared? Yes. Is he ready to just let go of life? Maybe.

Peter got lucky and landed in some water. Peter fought to get out of the parachute but was losing. He accepted that he was going to die.

Tony, who has been tracking Peter while on another mission, immediately left the other mission once he saw Peter moving. While in the water saving Peter's life, Tony sees that Peter just stopped trying to get out from under the water.

Tony grabs Peter and comes to the surface. Peter eventually realizes he isn't dead and was saved by Mr. Stark.

Peter: Hey.

Tony brings Peter to a playground to dry off.

Tony: Kid, are you crazy? You almost died. You're so lucky I came when I did.

Peter: How did you find me? Did you put a tracker in my suit or something?

Tony: I put everything in your suit. Peter, I trusted you to follow one simple rule.

Peter: sorry.

Tony: What were you thinking?

Peter: I followed what you said and then my phone went off. They all heard my phone. They pulled out a gun on the guy who was trying to buy the weapons and I didn't want him to get shot. So I went out of hiding. Then they drove off so I followed them and then this bird guy snatched me and the next thing I know I'm falling out of the sky then drowning.

Tony: You need to be more careful. You should have contacted me once they drove off Peter.

Peter: Okay I'm sorry.

Tony: Is there a reason why you gave up in the water? When I went to save you, you were just sinking.

Peter: Mr. Stark, are you accusing me of giving up? I ran out of air down there. That is all I promise.

Tony: Are you lying to me?

Peter: No I'm not. I don't know why you don't believe me.

Tony: Hey, hey, calm down Kid. There's no need to lash out. I'm just worried about you. That's all. Just making sure you are alright.

Peter looks away from Tony.

Tony: Well, I'm glad you are okay. If you need to talk you know where to find me.

Peter: Thanks for saving me.

Tony: Of course Kid. See you soon.

Tony leaves Peter by himself to go back to his other mission. Tony tried his best to get through to Peter but Peter is holding back. Peter watches Tony leave and then starts to overthink everything.

What if he did die? Would anyone care? What if Tony wasn't tracking him? What if everything went okay and he captured the two guys? When will he feel normal again? Why is he so angry and sad all the time? Can he be helped? Is Mr. Stark going to tell Aunt May?

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