Chapter Seventeen: Principal's office

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The next day. Peter meets with the principal right when he gets to school. They are discussing everything and how he left detention.

Principal: Since you left detention yesterday, I need to add on two more days of detention. This is so unlike you. Mr. Parker, you need to sort out your problems. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated any further.

Peter: Okay. I understand. I apologize about leaving detention early. It won't happen again. I. will sort out my problems for sure.

Principal: Okay Mr. Parker. Get to class. I will be seeing you around. Might even pop in detention.

Peter gets up and begins to leave the office. The meeting could have been a little better. He wishes he didn't leave stupid detention early yesterday. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong.

Last night with Aunt May was terrible. All she could do was yell at Peter. Which he does understand but Peter was very emotional and was crying the whole time.

Peter: Bye, have a nice day.

Basically everyone at school found out about what he did as well. Everyone is scared to get near him, besides Ned of course. Some people at school though, like Flash, are calling him names and making fun of the situation. Peter can't do anything about it.

Ned: Hey. I waited for you. How was it? Are you okay?

Ned could tell that Peter was upset. It was all over his face. Peter couldn't hide this time.

Peter: It was fine. I'm fine. Two more days were added to my detention.

Ned feels like it is sort of his fault. He's the one who told Peter about the boys. He wonders if he should have just kept it to himself.

Ned: Sorry Peter, that sucks.

The rest of the day, Peter just focused on school and making sure he was participating. All eyes are on him which is something he hates when he isn't Spider-Man.

During free periods, Peter and Ned sit in the band room and build legos together. The lego club got approved but right now it's just the two of them. They wish there were more people joining the club but it's understandable. Everyone always makes fun of them for building and talking about legos. But they are hoping eventually someone joins.

Peter knows how lucky he is to have Ned by his side . If he didn't have Ned he would literally have no one. Since he has detention for a long time, Peter also can't attend the meetings for the academic decathlon team right now. Ned will have to fill him in.

After school, Peter attends detention. MJ is there again drawing Peter. She drew him with a sad face which made Peter think about what the world thinks about him and if they all see him hurting. 

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