Chapter Forty-Four: Peter's Text

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The next day. Some of the Avengers are having a meeting.

Wanda woke up with a text from Peter. He sent it to her around 12am. The text said "The world is spinning. I feel like I'm going to die." I've been thinking about it all day. She hasn't been paying attention to the meeting because of it. Wanda is debating on telling the team.

Steve notices that Wanda is a little bit off today.

Nat: Steve, Wanda. Did you hear what Tony said?

Steve: No sorry. Wanda, I feel like somethings off with you today. Is something wrong?

Tony: Wanda, what's wrong?

Wanda: I woke up with a text from Peter. I don't know what to do about it. So I've just been thinking about it this whole meeting.

Tony: I know he went to a party last night. Was it about the party? What did the kid say?

Steve: What did the text say? Is he okay? Let me see the text Wanda.

Wanda pulls out her phone and goes to Peter's text message. She then hands her phone to Steve to look at. Steve read the text to himself.

Tony: Steve, what does it say? Should we be concerned? Do I need to talk to him?

Steve: It says " The world is spinning. I feel like I'm going to die."

The text made Wanda nervous. She texted him back but he said he was fine and the text meant nothing. Everyone looks around at each other.

Rhodey: woah. Okay that's really concerning. What are we going to do about this?

Steve: We need to get him here and talk to him. Ask him to talk to us.

Tony: I don't know.

Nat: Steve, we can't ambush him. I think only one of us should talk to him. Either Tony or Wanda.

Steve looks at Nat.

Tony: Nat's right. I will talk to him, Cap. I'll get to the bottom of everything.

Nat: Once Tony gets information, we'll see if we need to talk to him as well. We all care about him and want what's best for him.

Tony: Great plan.

Nat: make sure he's alright, okay?

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