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I woke up to Steve spooning me.

What the hell.

I thought about the night before. The nightmare. Steve coming in and staying with me.

He was really nice to cuddle with. But that wasn't important.

I got up and carefully took his arm off me, resting it on the bed.

I went out to the living room. What the fuck was I thinking? I don't want him to get any ideas. I don't wanna get any ideas.

I decided to make some coffee and just start the day.


Steve sat on the couch looking over the files as I watched camera footage on the floor.

"Can we talk about last night?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I get really realistic nightmares that I don't seem to wake up too easy from." I said.

"It's alright. I just want to make sure you're okay. I really thought someone was dying." He said. I chuckled and looked over at him.

"Thank you for coming to save me Prince Charming." I joked. He smiled softly.

"Anytime" he said.

I looked back at the computer. I smiled to myself, feeling the blush on my face.

"So tonight we have to go to that club. Just so that Samson knows we've been there." Steve said.

Samson was the owner. Jason Samson.

"Okay. Did they give us stuff to actually dress up with?" I asked as I got up and went to the bedroom. Steve followed.

I opened our closet and found very...club appropriate clothes.

"Jesus I'm gonna look like one of the strippers." I said as I looked at the skin tight short dress.

"It's not awful I mean it could be worse." Steve said.

I gave him a look. He smiled softly. He was trying to be positive I suppose.

I sighed and set the outfit out on the bed.

"Alright Rogers. Onto Maisy and Richard we go."


Steve and I walked into the club. He had me hold his arm.

He looked damn good. He may not have felt like it but he did.

We both ordered drinks and sat at a little secluded round booth.

"By the way you pulled off the dress." He said.

I smiled softly. We had to be close.

"Thanks." I said.

He nodded and sat back. He definitely didn't like these types of places. I get it though. This wasn't around in the forties. The lights and the loud music. The strippers which he kept his eyes off of.

"You seem nervous steven." I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah this isn't my thing." He said.

I chuckled and sipped on my drink. "You know how to dance?"

"Not in the way that everyone else is in here." He said.

I laughed. He was such a dork.

"We won't dance then." I said.

"I mean if you wanted to I mean we could-"

"No I wouldn't want you to make a fool of yourself."

"Oh come on." He said. I giggled.


We were finally leaving the club. I knew Samson saw us because across the room he was talking about us.

Steve and I were walking back to the penthouse. His suit jacket was on me. It was chilly in New York.

"Ever thought about moving to Brooklyn again?"

"I don't know if I'm able to afford."

"Home is home."

"Yeah. Maybe one day. I've thought about retiring." He said.

"I think sometime you should. Or take a leave. Get used to this world."

"Yeah that doesn't sound too bad."


Steve sat on the bed as I finished taking off my makeup. I convinced him to have the bed. He agreed.

I put my hair into a messy bun before leaving the bathroom.

"Alright. Goodnight Steve." I said.


I turned around.


"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"I don't want it to be awkward or anything..."

"It's only awkward if we make it awkward." He said.

I smiled and got into bed.


"Sure" I said.


Steve ended up falling asleep. His head was on my shoulder and my hand was in his hair.

I don't even know why I let it happen. We were both obviously just desperate and using each other. I just hoped it didn't bite back at us.

I shut off the lamp and tv before laying back, carefully as to not disturb Steve.

He slept so peacefully. He reminded me of a golden retriever. The way he could be energetic and knew what he wanted but could also be a lover boy.

His hair was soft. He didn't put gel in it because he showered, so it was just fluffy.

I liked him with a beard. It was a bit more dominant, but I also missed his clean shave.

Jesus ari. He's not your boyfriend.

Steve turned over a bit in his sleep. He seemed to take me with him.

I pulled him in, making him the little spoon. His head rested on my arm as I curled up with him.

"Goodnight Ar." He said.

"Jesus Christ stop staying awake while I think you're asleep." I said.

He chuckled and moved to look at me.

"I'm sorry if it's weird with the physical touch I think we're just both-"

"-In desperate need of it? Yeah." I finished.

"Yes." He said.

I smiled. "I'm fine with it if you are. No strings."

"No strings." He agreed.

"And Rogers don't fall for me again."

"See now that-"

I laughed.

"We just have to make sure...no sex. Not that I know if you're even a virgin or not."

"I'm not." He said.

"Rogers are you sure?"


"Out of wedlock??" I said sarcastically.

"Im not that ancient."


"Whatever." He said. He turned me around and spooned me. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I said. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now