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Steve and I sat in the bathroom. I was sipping on herbal tea while Steve trimmed his beard. He had cut his hair shorter again, but kept his beard.

I really liked him with a beard.

I sat there and watched as he did his hair. He was in a tank top. He looked handsome I had to say.

He kept the longer hair at the top. I think he looked more and more like a dad everyday. He was already getting into the job description.

I felt a rumble underneath me. Steve looked up and around.

The compound started beeping.

"I need everyone outside." I said on my watch. Steve grabbed his long sleeve shirt and put it on.

I ran out with Steve.

A jet was being flown down by a human looking thing. I didn't really know.

A girl finished landing the jet with her hands and smiled at me. She looked me up and down.


She saw my ring and raised her brows.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey." She said.

Out came Tony with a robot looking girl. Tony looked dead.

Steve caught him. He motioned for me to come over and help. I did.

"Steve. Steve I lost the kid I-"

"No. Hey we lost." Steve said. Tony looked over at me. He looked down at the ring on my finger.

"Oh my god-"

"-Tony?" Pepper asked. She came over.

Tony immediately found the strength to hug her. Steve looked at me.

He was okay.


"How'd you find Tony?" I asked who I know knew as Carol.

"Some distress signals." She said. "You with the super soldier?" She asked softly. I nodded.

She just hummed.

Tony came in with a wheelchair.

"Aria." He said. I looked over at him.

Nat still didn't know. Rhodey. Thor. Rocket for gods sakes. Tony didn't know.

No one knew we were married let alone expecting.

He looked down at my hand. I hid my ring.

"Are you engaged?" He asked softly.

Steve cleared his throat. "She's married."

"Did- wait did you marry someone else?"

"No. No Steve and I are...we're married." I said.

"What?" Nat said.

"Why didn't you guys say anything?" Rhodey asked.

"I- well I didn't really wanna bring it up after we lost half the world I mean I just-"

"It wasn't the right time to talk about it." Steve said.

"How long?"

"A year in two days." I said.

Everyone looked at us.

"I'm sorry for not telling anybody." I said. I felt really bad at this point. Like I had let everyone down. My emotions were now killing me.

Steve shook his head at me. I couldn't tell. If anyone found out they would immediately have me abort again.

"Thanos has been off grid for three weeks. And we have found nothing. Tony you were in space. Did you get any signals or signs when you were up there?"

"No cap I didn't. I don't have shit."

"I was just asking Tony come on. I needed answers." Steve said.

"Yeah and I needed you. But you left to marry a girl."

"Tony she is a wanted criminal, and frankly so am I. I was protecting her. You would do the same for pepper. Why are you downplaying our relationship all the time?"

"Because I think that she doesn't deserve you. You do the bare minimum and leave her ass in the grass."

"Three years ago! We're fine now. We're great. I love her Tony and you treat us like a joke."

"Is she pregnant?"

"Why would you even ask that?" Steve yelled. Tony fell on the ground. Steve held his arm.

"I'm fine- I'm-"

He passed out.


Steve stood with me in the living area.

"Are you pregnant?" Nat whispered. I was playing with my hands.

I just nodded. She let out a chuckle. "You're gonna kill yourself."

"I don't give a shit." I said. It came off ruder than I had hoped but I don't care. It wasn't anyone else's decision. It was my own.

I just wanted to be somewhere else.

Carol grabbed her jacket.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked.

"To kill Thanos."

"Woah hold on. We all need to go."

"Fine. We can all go. But just know that I know more about space. You have to watch yourself up there."


"Thor no!"

He had killed him. Oh no. No no no no.

No one's coming back.

What did he do?


Oh my god.

I looked away. It made me sick. Steve held my hand.

Oh my god. This was the end.


I sat in the jet that Steve got for us. We were going somewhere. I don't know where.

I looked over at Steve. He looked pissed.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"Upper New York."


"I have a place for us."


"I'm sorry." He whispered.

I just smiled at him. "Nothing to be sorry about. Out of all the negatives today, the plus is that we can live somewhere together and raise our kid." I said.

He just looked at me and smiled sadly.

"To new beginnings aria."

"To fresh starts." I whispered. 

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now