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"Steve-" I whispered as I woke up from what I assumed were contractions.

I grabbed his arm. He immediately sat up.

"Hey hey woah." He said. I held his hand tight.

I took the blankets off of myself. My water broke.

"Oh shit."

"It's okay. You're okay. We're gonna have a baby." Steve said.

I nodded and held his hand. The contraction was ending.

"Okay. Alright. Let's go to the hospital." I whispered.

Steve helped me up. I grabbed a new pair of pants and put them on.

"The sheets-"

"-I will change them sweetheart. Don't worry." He said. He kissed my forehead and smiled. "We're gonna have our baby.

Steve and I had moved into a little house in a small town in upper New York. We were happy there. We both got the white picket fence living.

My pregnancy had been pretty good. It was a lot better than we had expected.

I knew that we were both nervous for what was to happen next. I knew that there was a scare of whether or not I would survive this. If the little thing was any bit of Steve, it was gonna be a tough ride.

Steve grabbed my to go back with all the stuff packed.

He was obviously nervous. And I was going through another contraction.

"I've gotta curl my hair."

"Aria Faye! No!" Steve said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because your contractions are already five minutes apart. You need to go to the hospital now."

"But what if you take pictures?"

"I don't know how to work my phone. Come on."

I just chuckled as we grabbed our stuff.


"Nnnngh. Shit." I squeezed my eyes tight from the pain as I pushed.

"You're doing good mama." The nurse said. I gripped Steve's hand, not that he could feel it.

"Oh my god I can't do this." I whined.

"Yes you can. Come on sweetheart. We are gonna see our baby."

"Two more pushes aria."

I pushed again. Steve held the other side of my hand. I felt like I was crushing his hand. He was a super soldier. I wasn't.

"One more push!"

After a few seconds, I heard crying.

Oh my god. I had a baby.

Steve looked over at me and laughed, tears in his eyes.

The baby was wrapped up and set on my chest. I had never wanted to hear a cry more in my life.

I just gave birth to a super baby. Holy shit. This thing came out of me.

"It's a girl." Steve said.

I looked up at him and smiled. "You were right."

"Caroline Beverly Rogers." I said.

He smiled and kissed my head.



Steve was holding the baby while I sat in bed. He was so good with her already.

I smiled as he sat in the chair next to me, watching as she just stared at him.

They were doing blood tests on me right now, to see if I was still alright after having Steve's baby. Of course Caroline had a bit of serum in her.

I just looked at the blood bag. I wanted to hold her.

Steve looked at me, smiling.

"She's already got some strength to her." He whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked and smiled.

No one knew that I had my baby. I didn't want anyone alive that was still an avenger to know.

It was just gonna be us.

Just as I laid my head back, the doctors came in.

"Mr and Mrs Rogers. I have some good and bad news."

"Oh boy." I whispered.

"The good news is that you are going to raise a strong, healthy baby. She does have some of her fathers same blood. The bad is that we've seen Mr Rogers' serum also in you Mrs Rogers."

"Umm. What?" I asked.

"Oh my god."

"Wait so we're all like a super soldier family?" I laughed. That's cringy.

"Uhh yeah. Sorta." The doctor said. Oh my god this was stupid.

I just looked at Steve. He looked scared.

"Is that gonna affect her bone structure?"

"Not that I'm aware. She only has about fifteen percent of what you have. So her strength is like a body builder. Not a full super soldier."

We both just nodded. "Am I gonna grow or something?"

"Uhh nope. I don't think. We actually have a doctor coming any minute who knows more about this but I'm sure it will be fine."

I looked at Steve. Banner?

Just as we thought, banner walked in.

"Umm. Hi guys." He said softly.

"Hey Bruce." I said as I glanced at Steve.

"Umm. Congratulations. I really don't know how you did it." He said and chuckled. "She's beautiful."

"Thank you." Steve and I said. "Umm bruce am I gonna die?" I asked.

"No. You're not." He whispered. "Steve was known to be shorter and smaller than you before the serum. You're gonna be just fine. We're assuming that when the baby started growing, you started getting her blood with you. And that's how you got some of the serum in your blood stream. It's not much, but it's enough to make you stronger."

"Okay." I said, a little relieved.

"Just use the new strength wisely." He said.

"Okay." I whispered.

Bruce smiled softly. "You're lucky to have a family like this."

I smiled at Steve and my daughter. "Yeah." I whispered.

"You two take care. And take care of that little sunshine. She's got some great parents."

Steve and I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Bruce."

Bruce smiled and left. Steve turned to me.

He got on the bed and rested Carrie on my chest. He scooted to lay his head on my shoulder and watched our baby.

"She's so precious." I said. She had a little Captain america hat that Steve had picked out on. Such a dork.

"She really is. She has your eyes."

"She has your face." I said.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

"Im so proud of you."

I smiled and kissed his head. "Thank you. For everything."

"Please. You're the one that did all the work." He said. "I just had to cum-"

"-hush." I laughed.

"I'm getting into my human anatomy lesson."

We both burst out laughing.

For the first time ever, I felt like I had more to live for then just the avengers. I had a loving husband. I had a baby. I felt pure happiness.

I just hoped that it would stay. 

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now