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I sat with Steve in an empty room. We had been arrested.

Steve had tried to get Bucky. But then we were all caught. So now they took everything.

Steve looked at me in our room. Sam was in a separate room.

"You good?" Steve asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired because of you." I whispered. He looked at me and I smiled softly.


He nodded. I sighed as Tony came in.

"Here's your papers. And your fines." Tony said. He sat down. "Aria they wanna keep you here."

Steve whipped his head so hard I thought it was gonna fall off.


"Because she has a criminal record and she didn't sign the accords, which would've saved her from this."

"You guys didn't even give me time to talk about it!"

"We did you just walked away."

"Tony that fucking asshole called me worthless! He told me I wasn't a fucking avenger and then dismissed it because of my abortion. What the fuck do you think?"

"Either you sign the accords or you're forced to stay. It's not my decision."

"Why don't you at least try to do something about it?"

"Because I did try! I tried to talk to you and you pushed me out ar! I'm trying my best here!"

"No you aren't. Because if you were then you would've put me over a paper signed by countries that don't give a shit about what actually happens to us." I said. I got up and immediately felt trapped.

"Hey- Woah...Breathe."

"I need to get out of here." I said.

"Aria if you don't sign the accords they're gonna put you in jail. I'll find a way to help you out but you've gotta-"

"-no." I said. "Im not gonna sign them."

Steve sighed. "Aria it's gonna be-"

The lights went out. Steve watched the little tv. It was Bucky.

I ran out of the room with Steve.

We ran down the hallway, but there were guards already there.

Steve tried to stop them. But they had tazed him.


This isn't happening.



I sat in a jail cell. I had been six days. I hadn't eaten. There were no other inmates.

I think I was on the raft. I had heard about it from shield.

"Shower time." Someone said as they came in. They hoisted me up and put cuffs on me.

I got five minutes to myself in a cold shower, then I was forced to brush my teeth and hair. Everyday was the same.

I got my clothes back on and went back to my cell. Except for now...there were more people?

I don't know who the other guy was.

"Wanda?" I asked right away. She was in a straight jacket. She looked dead.

She looked up at me.


"Hi. It's okay you're okay. We're gonna get out."

"No. Aria what's done is done." Sam said.

"Where's Steve?"

They just pushed me into my room.

"Mr Rogers won't be coming for you Thomas." Ross said. I sat back down on the floor.

Tony walked in with him.

Ross walked out. Clint was clapping at Tony.

"The futurist! He knows all!" Clint yelled.

"Give me a break Clint."

Tony did something with his watch, then looked at me.

"You got thirty seconds ar. Do you have any information on Steve?"

I just stared at him. Clint laughed.

"You put her in a prison cell for a week already and you think she knows where her boyfriend is?" Clint screamed.

"I need to know because I was wrong aria. Don't listen to Barton."

"I know where he is." Sam said.

Tony was going to kill the love of my life.

And I had to accept it in a prison cell.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now