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I woke up to the sound of pages turning. Steve was reading. His head was against the back window with a pillow.

My head was on his lap as he read. I could tell he hadn't slept.

"I can watch a shift if you wanna even get an hour of sleep in." I said softly.

"No sweetheart. You sleep." He said, yawning after.

He was reading one of my old books that I stashed in my car.


He sighed and moved the book to look at me. "I'm okay." He whispered.

"Girlfriends orders. Lay down." I said.

"Aria." He whined.

"Steven." I whined back. I sat up and took the book from him, bookmarking it.

"Sleep." I said. "Just an hour. Please." I said.

He sighed and laid between my legs. He wrapped his arm around my thigh.

I played with his hair. I knew he loved it.

I stayed like that until I knew he was asleep.

I was worried about him. He never talked about his emotions.

I kissed his head in my lap before laying back a little. He was so gentle. Who knew someone so strong and huge could be so soft.

I heard his phone ring. He groaned.

"Don't answer it. You need sleep." I whispered.

He looked at it anyways. It was rumlow.

"No." I said.

He picked up the phone. "Hey." Steve said groggily.

"Hey man. Pierce wants you here." He said.


"Were you sleeping?"

"Yeah I'm at arias. She gave me a room because my apartment doesn't look good." He said.

"Okay well when can you get here?"

"I don't know man I just finally got some sleep because my apartment got broken into. I can be there in like an hour with Ar because she was there too." Steve said as he looked at me. I violently shook my head.

"Okay. See you soon." Rumlow said and hung up.

Steve sat up.


"It's gotta happen. I slept for seventy years." He said. He pecked my lips before getting up.


Steve and I walked into Alexander Pierce's office.

"Captain. And agent. Thank you for being here."

"Our condolences." Steve said.

I smiled at Pierce.

"Agent. You were the last known person to see fury. I don't think that just happened." He said.

I stared at him.

"He really didn't have goodbyes." I said.

"Do you know why he was there?"

"He not to trust anyone." I said.

"Including Steve?" He asked.

"I don't know."

I looked at Steve. He was staring at Pierce.

"We're all mourning." Steve said.

"Hmm. Well Captain, I'm gonna find who killed my friend. I don't care who stands in my way." Pierce said.

Steve gave him a cold stare. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

Steve put his hand on my back, leading me out.

"Oh- alright." I said.

Steve led me to the elevator. "We're leaving." Steve said.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"I don't know I'll get us a hotel." He said.

I nodded softly and sat against the glass wall.

Steve shut the elevator and sighed. It stopped for rumlow.



I moved to stand in the middle by Steve. Rumlow was staring at me.

"Sorry about fury." He said. He looked me up and down.

"Thanks." Steve said for me. I looked up at him.

I nodded at Rumlow.

The elevator dinged again. A few more people came in.

The place felt awkward.

Steve was looking around.

I didn't know what was going on.

"Before we begin...does anyone wanna get out?"


Immediately everyone started moving. I was grabbed by rumlow, with my hands behind my back.

Electricity went through my body. I groaned in pain.

"Not personal sunshine. Just business." He whispered in my ear as he held my neck.

I kept my eyes closed as the electricity continued to surge through me. I didn't know what was happening.

I felt someone tug on Rumlow behind me. I ended up being knocked onto the floor.

"Steve." I whispered.

The elevator surged through the sky. I tried getting up but my body felt like jelly.

"You're okay. Hold on." I heard Steve say. I looked up and saw him. He had picked me up.

I stood beside him, trying to gain feeling in my legs. He opened up the elevator doors just to have shut them.

"Okay. Ar I need you to hold onto my side." He said.

"What are you about to do?" I whispered.

"Something extremely stupid."

He grabbed me before jumping out of the elevator. Fuck him for thinking this was smart.

We ended up on the floor, my body next to his.

I groaned, feeling the pain in my right side.

"We've gotta go ar" Steve said. He picked me up.

I knew we needed to run. I did what I could, letting my mind believe that I was fine somehow made my legs move.

Steve ran me to his bike.

"Where did you put the hard drive?"

"The hospital vending machine." I whispered. He set me in front of him on the bike and grabbed the handle.

"Alright." He whispered. "Don't pass out please."

I nodded softly.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now