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I thought it was gonna go good, until things didn't.

Rumlow was out for Steve.

Steve knew that. He wasn't too worried.

I met up with Wanda. We were looking for steve.

"Steve we need an update. And Nat." I said.

"Working on it." Nat said. I ran to the square. But there was Steve fighting rumlow.

Oh no. Oh no.

"Wanda!" I screamed.

Everything was a blur. Rumlow had set something off to blow up. But Wanda took Rumlows body which was burning to death, and threw it in the nearest building....

Which was the hospital.

Oh my god.

Steve ran over to me. He was panting. "Sam we need- fire and rescue- south side of the building."

Steve grabbed my hand. "We gotta get back. Get people back."


I sat in the compound with Steve. We were watching the news. The king of Wakanda was on the screen.

Steve turned off the tv. But we still heard the tv on.

I got up with Steve and went to Wanda's room. I turned off the tv while Steve stood in the doorway.

"Can you turn it back on? They're being very specific."

"Hey no. It was everyone's fault." I said. I came in and sat next to her on the bed. Steve sat down next to me.

"I heard the name Bucky and choked. That's on me wanda. This isn't on you."

I heard vision come through the wall. Wanda and vision had a thing. Which was really weird to me, but I let it slide. If they were happy that's all that mattered.

I ended up kind of running the show at the compound. I kept it clean. I made sure everyone was happy, fed.

"Vis we talked about this." Wanda said.

"I'm very sorry. The door was open. But mr Rogers, Mr stark is here. He brought the Secretary of State."

I sighed. Steve nodded.


I watched different videos of our destruction up on the screen.

"Not only did you all show so much suffering as avengers, but before avengers too."

A video of young me killing of strangers played. When I worked for my dad, who worked for hydra. So does that mean I worked for hydra?

"Turn it off." Steve said.

I looked up at the video and looked over at Tony. He didn't even look at me.

I looked back at Ross. "Gonna pay attention now Thomas?"

I smiled, got up, and left.

"...it's not like she's a real avenger anyways." I heard him say as I walked off.

I turned around. Steve, Nat, and Wanda all looked at me. Steve shook his head.

Ross just smiled at me.

"Do you still work for your father?" He asked.

"He's dead."

"Awh. Sad. Must've been recently. Because you haven't done much for the avengers at all. Unless it was because of that abortion?"

Tony looked up at him now.

"Get the papers on the table and get out. I didn't ask for you to put down the team."

I just stood there.

"Sokovian accords. 300 countries. You sign it and the avengers aren't a private organization. It's a military operation at this point. It would save millions of lives." Tony said.

He was shutting Ross up.

I sighed and looked at Steve. And then I walked away.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now