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"Carrie girl? Where are you?"

I felt a little pair of arms attach to my leg. "Right here daddy."

I chuckled and picked her up. My little girl.

Three already.

"Hey I've gotta go to work and mommy is looking for you." I said.

"Can I come to work with you?"

"Not today sweet pea. Maybe soon." I said. She set her head on my shoulder.

"Aria I found her!" I yelled out. Ar came into the living room and chuckled.

"Miss girl you can not keep going into the woods without letting mom or dad know." She said. Aria came over and tickled her.

I chuckled as I heard Caroline's giggles. Aria picked her up from my arms and set her on her waist.

"Say bye to daddy."

"Bye daddy."

"Bye pumpkin. I'll see you in a bit." I said to her. I kissed aria quickly.

She smiled softly at me.

The past three years had been pure bliss. Even with everyone gone, which I was extremely disappointed about, I still had the family I had been longing for. That was something to live for.

"Mama why can't we go with daddy to work?" Caroline cried.

"Because he has his meetings today."

I turned around and walked back to Carrie.

"Wanna go to the meetings?"

She nodded.

I looked at aria. She shrugged her shoulders.

"It does help them when she's there to distract them."

"Alright Rogers family. Let's go."



I quite enjoyed Steve's little meetings. It helped me too.

Caroline was sitting in one of the members, Sasha's lap. I didn't wanna say that Carrie had a gift, but she did. She could put a smile on anyone's face.

She was a replica of her dad. Both of us knew it. She was daring and kind. She was sassy. She had charm.

I loved her to pieces. She was perfect.

But god she needed friends her age.

I felt bad if I had sent her to daycare. She does have strength. More than me technically. But she knows to conceal. Steve taught her.

"Other people don't have the same strength as you Caroline. You keep it in. You be gentle around everyone you're with. Not me, but everyone else."

"Okay daddy."

She was smart. She had brains like none other. She learned to talk and walk quickly.

We constantly watched things like her bone structure. It wasn't that she was bigger than normal children, she honestly got my figure, and Steve's before the serum, it's just that she's strong.

Caroline came back over to me and got on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and listened to Steve talk.

"...things are gonna get better. These past three years are the first time since I was eighteen that I hadn't been constantly fighting for something. This is the first time since I was eighteen where I stayed in one place. I planted. Sometimes you've gotta find that place to plant and regrow yourself."

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now