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"Steve people could see." I whispered.

"I don't care." He whispered as he kissed my neck.

Two months later. Tony's tower had turned into one for the avengers. Steve and I had been secretly hooking up...and dating...and making things official between ourselves.

"Hey. Come to my room tonight okay?" I said as I pulled him away.

"That's like three hours though."


"You don't care do you?"

"Nope." I giggled.

Only Tony, pepper, and Steve's friend Sam knew about us. Everyone else didn't.

I heard footsteps. I pushed Steve off of me and went back to making my tea.

"Hey." Nat said as her and Clint came in.

"Hi." I said. Steve sat at the island. "How was dinner?"

"It was good. I'm tired now though." Nat said.

"Mhm." Clint said. His phone started ringing. "Girlfriend. Gotta take this."

Clint left. I added some honey in my tea before taking a sip. Steve obviously wanted to go to bed.

"Doing anything fun this weekend Nat?" I asked.

"I don't know yet. Might just stay in. I've got some movies to binge."

"Nice." I said. Steve was staring at me.

"Ar we should go watch that new episode." Steve said.

"What show?"

"Umm it's this documentary." I said. "It's a technology one. I got him into it so that he learns what he missed. This week is the seventies."

Steve nodded at Nat and smiled. She gave me a look.

"Have fun." She said.

"...thanks." I said.

She was catching on. I knew it.

Steve got up and walked with me. I still had my tea in hand.

"She's catching on." I said as I got into my room.

"Don't worry about it." He said.

I sighed and set down my tea to light a candle.

"We have to wait till late tonight. No one can hear."

"Ugh. Then what are we supposed to do now?" He asked.

"You can just hang out with your secret girlfriend if that's not too hard." I said. He smiled lightly as I sat in bed with my tea.

He kissed my cheek as he took my tea.

"What movie?" he asked as he set my tea down on my side of the bed.

"Hmm." I said as I got comfortable, moving to wrap my arms around him.

He moved to wrap his arms around me as he found a movie. I rested my head on his shoulder.

He found a random movie and turned it on. I relaxed and pulled out my phone.

Steve laid back. Sometimes nights like these are better than sex. 

I took a picture with Steve and sent it to Sam on Snapchat. He was the only one besides Nat that used it.

I set my phone back down. Steve was rubbing my back lightly.

I looked up at my boyfriend. His face was soft from just shaving this morning. His eyes were always so gentle.

"Stop staring you make me blush." He said.

I chuckled and pulled him into a kiss. He smiled and laid me back on the bed.

"Hey aria can you help me with this...oh my god."

I pushed Steve off of me and sat up. "Bruce. Hi. Umm. What?"

"I was gonna see if you could help me in the lab but I'm gonna find Tony. I- Uhm. Sorry for barging." He said. He quickly ran out.

I stared at Steve. He was sitting on the bed.

"Shit." I whispered.

"What are we supposed to..."

"I don't know." I said. "Do we go talk to him?"


We both got up. But Steve stopped me before I left.

"What if it gets out?" He asked.

"I don't know. We will figure it out."

He nodded and we walked out.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now