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I woke up. I was still in the warehouse. IV's were in me.

Nat was sitting in a chair.

"Hey." I whispered. I tried sitting up but I was too weak.

"Hi hun. Hey don't sit up." She said.

I immediately thought about Steve's words. Steve. Where was Steve?

"Where's Steve?" I asked. My throat hurt.

Nat tensed.

"Nat?" I whispered.

Something was wrong.

"Steve is in the hospital." She said. "He's in a coma."

I sat up now, ripping the iv out. I wasn't even thinking.

"Aria! No!" She said.

"I need clothes." I said, looking at the hospital dress. There were some folded on an empty chair. I got up and started changing. I didn't care.

"Ar. No you're still on a lot of pain meds." She said.

I put the sweatshirt on and the shoes. "Take me to the hospital. I'll sleep when I'm dead."


I walked into Steve's hospital room. He was still out. Bruised up.

Sam was next to him. He looked at me and stood up.

"Woah girl. Hey wait how much-"

"I'm fine." I said. I sat down on the bed next to Steve and grabbed his hand. He was hooked to ivs.

I kissed his hand softly. Marvin Gaye was playing.

"...I tried to tell her no. She's barely walking." Nat said to Sam.

"I can hear you both." I said as I brushed my finger over Steve's cheek.

"Aria we need to get you checked in. I can let you know when he wakes but you are basically a zombie right now." Sam said.

"No." I said.

I felt Steve squeeze my hand. His brows furrowed softly.

I watched him slowly open his eyes. He saw me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey." I said.

He opened his eyes more and really saw me. He groaned lightly.

"You're supposed to be in surgery." He whispered.

"She got out thirty minutes ago. She's supposed to be on bed rest."

"So why did you bring her here?" Steve asked. His voice was groggy.

I looked around at everyone.

"Aria." Steve said disapprovingly. I looked at him.

"I'm okay. What happened to you? Sam what happened?" I asked.

Sam gave me a look. Steve sighed.

"Alright. Steve's okay sweetheart so we're gonna get you checked into this hospital." Nat said.

She helped me up but I backed away. Why was she being so mean.

"What happened?" I asked.

I couldn't remember much. My abdomen hurt.

"Go with Nat." Steve said as I looked at him. I was holding my abdomen.

"No. What happened to everyone?"

"Sweetie." Steve said. He looked like he was tired.

"I need to help Steve." I said.

"Aria do you remember what happened?"

"Yes I remember I got....I got shot. And Steve left me in the...place....and I had surgery. I wanna know what happened to Steve." I said. I felt tears in my eyes.

Everything felt blurry.


"Steve stopped insight from happening. We're okay now. You need to get some water and-"

"Hi. I'm doctor Alstead. Im here to check up on mr Rogers."

"Hi. Im fine. But Aria Thomas is over there and she's just been out of surgery at a different hospital and came here and I don't think she's doing well." Steve said.

The doctor came over to me. Nat talked to the doctor. I couldn't hear them. I felt dizzy.


I woke up and squinted at the bright lights.

Ivs in me again. I looked over. Steve was sleeping in a little chair beside me. His bruises had faded.

"Steve?" I asked. My voice was hoarse.

Steve woke with a start. He saw me and smiled.

"Hi." He said.

I smiled softly. He sat up.

"What happened I was just in your room." I said.

"You passed out again. They have some fluids going through you." He said. "Do not rip them out."

I shook my head softly. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm a lot better." He said. He kissed my free hand. "And I was going to be. Next time when someone tells you to stay and recover, please listen." He said.

I nodded. "Is there water?" I asked.

He nodded and got up, pouring me a glass and grabbing a straw.

He helped me take a sip. I smiled at him.

"Can you lay with me?" I whispered.

"I don't want you to-"

"Please? Just on my right side for the iv on the left?" I whispered.

He sighed and nodded, getting into the bed with me.

I smiled. He carefully put his arm over me. So gentle.

"I'm glad you're okay." I whispered.

"I'm glad you're okay too." He said. I rested my head on his chest.

It was now quiet. I closed my eyes, feeling tired still.

"Hey by the way..." I said softly.


"I love you too."

He chuckled and kissed my head. "So you heard that?"


"I know it was too early to say it but I felt like I had to in case something happened." He whispered.

"It's alright." I said. "It was sweet."

"Get some more rest."

"Okay lover boy." I said.

I looked up at him as he blushed.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now