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Steve led me into the compound two days later. Everyone was there.

Nat was cooking with Clint. Tony was sitting at the island. Banner and Thor were in the living area.

Steve made sure I was okay. My body was still prone to giving out.

"Hey there they are." Nat said.

I smiled softly. She came over and hugged me.

"I'm gonna go set your stuff in your room." Steve said to me.

"Hey Rogers. Arias room is no more!" Tony said as he walked away.

Steve turned around. I looked at him before looking at Tony.

"Uhhh what?" Steve asked.

"Well everyone knows about you and aria so I moved her stuff to your room." Tony said. He got up and came dirt, hugging my side.

My face went red as I wrapped my arm around him, hugging him back. He wasn't much for physical interactions, but I could tell he was worried.

"And I made the walls soundproof."

"Oh dear god." I said quickly.

"Happy campers here." Tony said. Steve sighed.


I stood in the bathroom as Steve changed my bandages on my abdomen.

"Alright." He said. He stood up and let my shirt fall.

"Thanks." I said. He pecked my lips.

"Am I interrupting?" Tony asked as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom.


"-yes" Steve blurted. Tony chuckled.

"Can I talk to you two? Everyone's gone to bed if we wanna go in the living room." Tony said. I nodded and led Steve out.

We all sat down on the couch.

"So what really happened?" Tony asked. "With everything. Shield hydra. Everything."

Steve and I glanced at each other. I sat back while Steve told the story.


Once Steve and I told the whole story tony sat back.

"Peggy's still alive Steve." Tony muttered.

Steve tensed.


"She's in DC still. She's alive. Barely and she has dementia. But I think she's gonna remember you."

I looked at Steve. "I just assumed that she passed." He said.


Steve looked at me. A hint of sadness and anger in his eyes.

"Uhm. Peggy Carter. She was one of the first people I met when I joined the army. She helped to found shield. Her picture was next to Howard's in New Jersey."

"And Steve banged her." Tony said.

Steve gave him a look. "I did not! If anything your dad and her had...yeah." Steve said.

"Well then who did you lose your virginity to?" Tony asked.

"That is irrelevant."

"Either it was one of your dancing minions or Peggy." Tony said.

Steve sighed. "It wasn't Peggy."

"But you liked her?"

"Yes. We had a connection but she had a family and a child. She lived a life and now I'm living my own." Steve said.

I stared at him. "Do you wanna go see her?"

He looked at me. "I don't know."

"I think you need to. My father was there when you went in the ice. She was the last to speak with you....you need that closure." Tony said.

I smiled softly as he looked down. "Okay." He whispered.


Steve kissed down my neck as I watched a movie in bed. We weren't really watching.

I giggled as he softly sucked at my skin.

"Hey but doctor said no sex." I whispered.

He pulled away and smiled. "I'm just kissing you. I'm not gonna do anything."

He went in for another kiss but I dodged it.

"Were you in love with Peggy?"

He froze above me. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just wanna know. And was the winter soldier Bucky?"

"Aria." He said as he got off of me. He laid back on the bed.

I sat up and looked at him. "I'm not mad."

He looked at me. I smiled softly. He blushed and looked away.

"Yes I was once in love with Peggy. And yes Bucky is the winter soldier. Happy?" He said.

"So was she your first love?"

"I guess. Who was yours?"

I gave him a look. He smiled.

"Who?" He asked.

"It's you." I said.

"Come on ar don't say that."

"I'm serious. You're my first love."

He stared at me. He saw that I was sincere.

"Now I feel bad." He said.


"Because you're not my first."

"It's okay." I smiled. "I'm just happy to have someone." I said.

Steve smiled and pulled me into a kiss. "I like when you're soft." He whispered on my lips.

I chuckled and rolled onto my back again. He came with me, kissing me.


Steve was asleep. His head was on my shoulder. His arm around me as he slept soundly. In our bed.

I was still playing with his hair. He was my little teddy bear.

I couldn't do much but lay on my back with my wound, so he was extra submissive.

"Aria. Go to sleep."

I jumped a little. "I hate when you do that." I whispered.

"I know. Sorry."

I sighed and laid back more.

Steve sat up and kissed my cheek softly before laying back again.

I smiled as I closed my eyes. He was so gentle. Caring.

All mine.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now