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I woke up in the car. I looked over. Steve was watching the road.

"Steve?" I asked. He was driving

"Shhh." He whispered. Natasha was in the back, sleeping.

I stared at Steve. He looked a mess.

"You're okay. We're gonna be somewhere safe soon." He whispered.

I nodded. My head was killing.

"Go back to sleep."


I woke up to Steve nudging me awake. I groaned and sat up. He helped me out of the car.

He led me to a house. He had left the keys of the car on the window.

Steve knocked on the window of the back door.

"Hi. Can we stay here? Everyone's trying to kill us." Steve said to the man. I looked up. It was Sam.

"Thanks Sam." Steve said.

"Yeah man." He said. Natasha left to the room that Sam had led her to.

"Steve!" Sam called. Steve came over.

"Alright I have this spare room. Feel free to clean up. And you're...aria right?" Sam asked. I nodded.

"Thanks again." Steve said.

Steve led me in and closed the door, locking it.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked as I sat down and took off my shoes.

"Mhm. I just need a shower quick." I whispered.

Steve came over and kneeled in front of me.

"Are you actually okay?"

I stared at him. "Steve if you had just not taken the call like I said..."

"I know. I know I thought about it too. I'm sorry." He whispered.

I sighed and looked away. "Come shower with me." I whispered.

"Aria not here."

"Not sex. I just need you around me." I whispered.

He nodded softly.

He led me to the bathroom and started the shower. I removed my clothes.

Steve had already gotten in the shower.

I removed all my clothes and stared at the mark from that weapon in the mirror. It looked awful.

"Aria." Steve said in the shower.

"Yeah. Coming." I said.

I got into the shower. Steve moved to let me in the water.

I let the water run down my hair and body. Steve grabbed the shampoo and put some in his hair.

I stayed under the water. I could feel myself shutting down.

I moved out of the way for Steve to wash the soap out of his hair. He handed me the shampoo.

We both did normal shower routines. It was silent. I felt numb.

Once we were both done we just stood in the water. Steve was looking at me. I felt like I was watching him from far away.

Steve moved my hair behind my ear. "Talk to me." He whispered.

"There's nothing to say." I said. He stepped closer to me. No space was between us. My body was pressed against his.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. His hand was on my cheek and jaw.

"It's alright. I'm just glad we're safe." I said.

"Why are you shaking?" He asked as he looked down at me. I didn't realize the pain I was in from his body against mine.

"I'm just in some pain still." I said.

He grabbed my waist. I smiled and held his shoulder with my arm.

"I'm okay Steve."

He rolled his eyes and kissed me.


I heard a knock at the door as Steve and I finished changing. Steve opened it.

"Hey. I made breakfast if you guys like.... Eat real food." Sam said. Steve looked at me and chuckled.

I got up and walked out with Steve. Nat was already eating.

"Why were you both in the same room?" Nat asked.

"Steve showered first." I said.

"You could've come to shower in my room."

"I felt like you deserved some privacy."

"Ever since that time you quit shield at that mission...." Nat said.

"Will you stop? Steve and I aren't together."

"Well a week ago banner told me otherwise. And you two weren't both in dc for nothing." She said.

Steve sat down. Sam just continued eating his cereal. He knew about us anyways.


"Why didn't you just tell me?" She asked. "I'm not mad. I would've loved to know."

"I don't know. Only Tony knows. And sam and then banner walked in on us."

Natasha looked up at me. "Having sex?"

"No kissing." I said.

"Have you had sex?"

"Nat." I said. Sam laughed in the corner.

Steve just continued eating. For some reason he didn't like when people knew.

He had been super moody from everything. But in the end he was just worried.

"I mean if you don't answer you're kinda answering."

"We're casual." Steve said.

Casual my fucking ass.

I played it off and ate my food. Steve took a sip of his coffee.

"So are we gonna talk about why you're all here or...?" Sam asked.

I sat back and looked at Steve.

"Let's talk plans." Nat said.


Steve sat with me in the car. Nat and Sam sat in the back. We were driving to find Sitwell.

I felt Steve's glare on me and looked away.

"Hey-" he whispered.

I looked over at him. He glanced from the road to me.

"Hey guys can we save this for another time? Lovey dovey shit is not it." Nat said.

I glanced back at the window. Steve sighed loudly.

"Can we stop somewhere or something?" Steve asked.

"We have a job to do-"

"Uhm. No. Sorry I need to clear things up I think." Steve said.

I looked at him and shook my head. "No. We have a mission."

"No." He said.

"Steve just-"

Steve pulled into an exit.

"Steve!" I said.

He sighed found a rest stop. "Get out."

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now