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Bucky fell to the ground.

Oh no.

Sam next.

No no no no.

Steve came over and held me.

"No you are not going too."

"No I feel fine Steve I'm fine." I whispered. I mean I had a few bruises my hip was out of place but I was fine.

I looked over and saw Wanda turn to dust. Nat came over, immediately putting her hand over her mouth.

"What do we do?" I whispered.

"I don't know."

We had lost. Thanos. He did what he said he was going to do. We lost.

Half of the earth was wiped. Gone.

Steve pulled me up.

"I can walk." I said.

"Are you- are you sure?" He whispered. I nodded.

I looked down at my hand. Where was my ring?

"My ring. No where's my- Steve? My ring."

Steve found it on the ground and put it back on me. I didn't know what was next.

Steve's hair was a mess. He looked worried and sad. He was obviously hurt.

I needed to just get him to the complex.


Steve and I finally got to the complex. Nat went in too. She was incredibly nervous.

Steve helped me inside. We went to our old bedroom.

It was still. Like it had been left before.

I sat down on the bed and took off my shoes. I heard Steve turn on the shower.

I was so tired. I couldn't even think.

I laid back in the bed, and closed my eyes.


"Sweetheart. Come take a-"

I looked at ar. She had fallen asleep on the bed already.

I sighed and turned off the shower, turning on the bath.

I went into the bedroom and picked her up, gently taking her suit off. She was extremely light to me. So it was nothing. I just didn't wanna wake her.

I carefully set her in the tub and got undressed myself. I felt like I had no thoughts running through my head.

I carefully got in behind her and got her on my lap. She had woken up.

"Sorry for waking you." I whispered.

"No you're fine." She said. She nuzzled her head into my neck.

I didn't wanna cry right now, but god I could feel it coming on.

I was mostly just thankful that she didn't die. I couldn't have kept living if she did. I really couldn't.

I just kissed her head and let myself silently cry as she snuggled into me.

I failed. I had failed everyone.

Aria could sense that I was upset. She grabbed my hand and held it.

"It's okay Steve. It's okay. You did everything in your power. We all did." I whispered.

I sniffed and looked away. I couldn't even fathom what everyone was feeling right now.

"I just- I could've-"

"No. Hey. Look at me. No. You couldn't have."

I looked at her. She stared into my eyes. She became blurry from my tears.

She pulled me in. I set my head in her neck as I sobbed.

I couldn't take it. I ruined everything. For everyone.

She hugged me tighter. I loved her so much.

"Is- did you feel anything when?"

"No. Baby's still here." I whispered.

Aria was two months pregnant. I hoped.

"I hope she's still there."


"Yeah I know we're having a daughter." I said and laughed lightly.

She smiled and wiped my tears. "She's gonna be a good one if she is."

I chuckled lightly. She pulled my forehead in and kissed it.

"You are not a failure. We lost, but we did that together." She whispered. She rested her forehead on mine.

I nodded lightly. She kissed my lips.

"I love you so much. We're gonna have a family soon." She whispered.

I sighed and pulled her into another hug.

Aria Rogers is my best girl.

IN THE SILENCE: a Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now