Chapter 30 A Battle of Trust

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When Katrina summons Vampire Dragon Dracula, Vivian is lying on the bed as her eyes closed. Sweat forms on her face as she has a nightmare. Vivian finds that she is sitting in her birth father's car as she was reading a book.

Her birth father is driving the car and he says, "Vivian, you're reading my books again, aren't you?"

"It's not my fault that Papa's books are interesting to read." Vivian replies.

"Are you sure? All of my stores are ghost stories, you will get nightmares when you read them." Her birth father says while his eyes are focusing on the traffic.

"But I want to become friends with Spirit Taker, The Supreme Dragon Zarc, and Manibus..." Vivian says. "Papa, do you think all of those monsters you wrote are real?"

"Who knows? They might be real, or they might not. It depends on what you want to believe." Mr. Kobayashi says.

Just then, a truck with extreme speed appears and then runs in front of Vivian and her family, Vivian yells, "Dad, watch out!"

Vivian's father notices it and tries to dodge the upcoming truck, but it is too late, the truck hits the car and it creates an explosion.

When Vivian wakes up again, she finds that she is not a little girl, but a spirit looking at the hospital wing. Vivian says, "It was the time when Dad died...I was supposed to be dead as well..."

Then she notices the doctors shaking their heads as the heartbeat detectors are in a straight line on both her and her father. Just then, the book beside her bed, Manibus, starts to glow in purple light.

"What the..." Vivian is confused, but just as the light dies down, she sees that her heartbeat is back. The doctors are sharing the same shock. "What?" "How can this be?" "It is a miracle!"

Vivian says, "What is that purple glow?"

Just then, the scene fades out, and it is now in the next scene. She sees her sister, Yuni, riding on a D-Wheel, with a person in a black and white Dark Signer cloak. She raises her arm as the geoglyph of the two hands appears on the field.

"Is this..." Vivian says, "Was that what happened yesterday? wasn't two hands, but a giant..."

As she continues to watch, she sees the Dark Signer raises her hand, and yells, "Come forth! Earthbound Pendulum God: Manibus!"

Two giant hands with an eye on each palm appear on the field, and they loom over Yuni, crushing her through the palms.

"Sister!" Vivian yells in horror, as she also notices the person in the cloak, it is no other than herself.

"Vivian... this is your future." Vivian looks up to see that the palms are talking to her.

"'re Manibus, right? Back then I was killed by a car accident, you were the one who saved me from it, right?"

"You're correct." Manibus nods.

"But does that mean I'm a Dark Signer? Are you planning to control me like a puppet?" Vivian asks with a little fear.

"For the first question, you're a Dark Signer, fighting the Signers is your fate. Your destined opponent is your three siblings." Manibus says.

Vivian stiffs and she yells, "What? You're lying! I can't be a Dark Signer! I don't even have a mark, to begin with."

"Oh, Vivian, do you think you can show your mark to others? Especially with the three Signers by your side? I hid the mark until the time is right." Manibus says as Vivian looks at her arm, she is surprised and scared to see the Purple Hands Mark appear on her arm.

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