Komentar pesan semangatku sampai ke Marc Marquez

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Aku mengirim pesan semangat ke Marc Marquez dan ternyata sampai ke dia. Dia bilang bakal baca pesan-pesannya sepulang dari Misano :)

Ini pesan yang aku tulis:

Hai, Marc, I'm Mia. I know it's difficult to not be able to do the thing that you loved, but this moment is gonna pass before you know it, and you'll be able to ride your bike again, stand in the podium, open the champagne and be a world champion again! Even the road doesn't look always good, but you are Marc Marquez, you can make everything possible! And try to watch Modern Family. It is a family show, it's very funny, very fresh, it will entertain you. Okay? Take care. Bye!

You are the true hero, the true champion, you have pure soul and pure love for the bike and it's great to see your resilience, and the glimmer of hope that you showed us from the very beginning. Thanks for showing me how to live, how to dream, how to shine. You are my Gas and the reason I do what I do. I know it's hard to not be able to do the thing that you loved, but this is gonna past before you know it, and you'll be the world champion again. I love you.

"I always believe in you. Even sometimes, people tell me not to. But I can see what's inside you, no matter what you are, what you do, you always have the passion within you. The magic has been made when you touch your bike with pure love from your heart. Don't ever lose that, even sometimes it doesn't look good on the road, but you are Marc Márquez, you can make everything possible."

Maybe right now your heart is fragile. You may also start to doubt your abilities. We all make mistakes. However, all these mistakes do not make you lose confidence, let alone lose the people closest to you. Remember, you always have courage. And believe me, your courage and strength is greater than you think." 🔥

" 🔥

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Mia Veranika (5 September 2022)

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Mia Veranika (5 September 2022)

Ini sangat menyentuh... Terima kasih untuk Repsol Honda sekali lagi untuk hadiah luar biasa ini :')

Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan Fiction (DITERBITKAN)Where stories live. Discover now