What if? A Chat with Amaryllis!

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A/N: Working on the next chapter (which will be all about the thirteen dinner) and nearly done with it I'd say! I'm so happy to finally have the time to actually sit and type again! Hope you enjoy and feel free to make little requests! Currently, I have three in the works, two requested and one a scenario I want to see.

What if Amaryllis made another visit to Irumi before the Battler Party? 

What if Irumi talked about what was bothering her lately concerning a certain third-year student?

What if they come to a certain assumption?


It was after school, grandpa was still at the meeting and today's tutor lesson was canceled; giving the blue-haired girl a rare time to herself.

Currently, Irumi was seated on the couch in the front room. Tonight, Opera had picked out a few games to look forward to after dinner which they were in the midst of preparing. Giving her even more time to just lounge after her bath. A closed book sat on her lap as she partially curled up against the armrest of the furniture piece she occupied, a tired sigh leaving her lips.

The pains weren't going away, nothing she seemed to do helped keep it away for long, and it was beginning to affect her patience. Patience, she actually somewhat prided herself on having after many long years of unfair circumstances she simply had no other choice but to accept and trek on passed.

Something she didn't think she'd be tested on so soon again after the promise of protection, care, and spoiling has been made abundantly. The even stranger bit was the fact it was some sort of internal problem this time around rather than the external one she was far more familiar with.

A soft knock from the closed doors of her study brought her from her thoughts, leading Irumi to sit up a bit straighter. As of late, Opera has been keeping a very close eye on her, and the last thing she wants to do is unnecessarily worry them. "Yes?" She called out, fixing her hold on the book she held, making sure it was open to a page in the proper orientation.

"Milady, a guest has arrived, wishing to see you. May I let them in?" Opera requested from the other side of the door. "...guest...?" Irumi muttered to herself, who would visit her? "Sure! Can I ask who it is?"

"Me of course! Hello cutie!" Amaryllis exclaimed, entering as Opera opened the door wider for her. "Lady Asmodeus!" Irumi brightened up, smiling in greeting though blinked in confusion as the woman clicked her tongue and shook her finger sternly at her. "Now what have I said before? You call me Auntie! You hear?! Aaa~unt~ie~!"

"Er-r-right sorry..." Rumi immediately apologized, turning a bit red but relaxed as the woman wrapped her into a tight embrace. The stubborn pains faded at the warm affection that nearly caused the bluenette to hum in relief.

"I'll go prepare some tea Milady, Lady Asmodeus." They bowed, closing the doors behind them to head into the kitchen.

Rumi casted a grateful look towards the cat-demon before sinking into the hug with her own, a sigh accidentally slipping out.

"My my, Cutie. Why is it that you are so tense?" Skilled hands trailed down her back, rubbing against her aching spine in a soothing manner that made it hard for Rumi to stiffen back up.

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