Welcome a Night at Babyls, Rumi-chan!

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A/N: I did it! I'm so thankful I got in this update before I drowned in a busy schedule. It's going to take me a long while till I can get to the next chapter but I hope you enjoy this one! Please feel free to comment on anything you'd like to see more of, including the 'what-if' scenarios since engaging in those do help me keep my writing spirit up and I love thinking about such scenarios. Evidently, it seems when I'm overwhelmed by schoolwork assignments, I get a flood of horrible ideas on how to traumatize so I'm sorry for the future chapters. Have a wonderful day and I'll do my best to update again during the next 8 weeks of hell.


Chapter 53;

The Netherworld- the realm where all demons live. And the Monarch who rules is- The Demon King! However, the Demon King's throne has sat empty for ages. Only the most worthy will inherit this seat of sovereignty. But who will it be?

A young girl who goes by Rumi whose physical age is 14; with the rank Gimel. One day she found herself the granddaughter of a demon named Sullivan. Sullivan loves and spoils Irumi and is even sending her to the most prestigious school in the land. But there are a few problems. 1. The school she is attending just so happens to be the demon school known as Babyls. 2. She is still very much human in her capabilities, knowledge, and mindset. 3. Should they find out the part of her being human- they'd take advantage of her. 4. Her rising abilities are drawing all sorts of dangerous attention to her being as her demon blood blends with her human, leading to changes as she grows. And 5. Her connection to her mother will be a cause of many new obstacles that very well may put her life in danger!

Will this pitiful girl who was finally found by her Grandpa make a better life for herself and actually manage to thrive in the Netherworld? Perhaps, a certain being within could help from their imprisonment? One way to find out!


Warning!!!!- contains cursing brought to you by adults 

"Of course, of course, of fucking course!" Kalego kept growling to himself as he stormed through the halls vigorously ignoring the laughter he heard from Dali. Trying to focus on making his rounds till the last classes began and he had to be in the company of his clowns.

Snarling out these words quietly enough to only be known to himself, with a sparse few curses-those uttered even quieter. After all, vulgarity was probably one of the few things adolescent demons held an impeccably good hearing for.

The cause of this bolster of stress? The fact that that mangy little brat was going to be the only girl other than Valac!

First, the thrice-damned Chairdemon got himself under scrutiny for whatever the imbecile did, and now Irumi can't just stay in the safety of Sullivan's manor till said elder is back!

He'll probably be threatened with bodily and psychological harm by that horrid security demon as well once they know. Why can't this troublemaking household give him a break?! A measly break?!

"Classes! Now!" He sharply yelled, casting an obviously troublemaking group a glare that had them abandoning whatever it was they were whispering about to rush to their next class.

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