Chapter 3: Kevin

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Once I arrived home, I was shocked to see that my brother was still home.
"Hey, Kev." He said half-heartedly.
"Hey, Jack. I thought you were going to go to Carmen's party tonight." I said. He started to look annoyed.
"Mom told me I had to stay here and hand out candy, and that she'd find out if I left because of the neighbors if I tried to sneak out." He explained. "How was the carnival?" He asked.
"It was great" I say. I was about to bring up Streber, but Jack seemed to read my mind. "Did you see that Streber kid?"
I hadn't realized how much I had been talking about wanting to befriend him over the past few days. Defending him was easier than defending anyone else. He's a bit like a hovering angel. It'd be impossible to hate him, he doesn't seem like he could hurt a fly. He just likes doing his own thing. Not to mention how much I complain about not having any friends.
"Yeah, actually." I say with a smile. "We ditched the carnival and talked for a while. He was a lot of fun to hang out with.". I like that I can admit things to my brother. He never tells our parents anything.
"That's amazing little bro!" He exclaimed, reaching out for a hug. "Just remember to invite me to the wedding~".
"Are you SERIOUS, Jack??" I groan. He enjoys teasing me. I hate it when he teases me.
Jack laughs. "You know I'm kidding, Kev. I'm glad you're making friends. I-I was getting a bit worried." I wasn't sure how to respond. He's the last person I want to worry. Me and my brother were close. A lot closer than most. We were more like childhood friends than siblings. He was the one who convinced my parents that I was actually trans and not just making it up for attention. Jack's honestly kinda my hero, no matter how cliche that may be. So I just smile.
"Anyways, it's pretty late and most kids are headed home now, so you wanna watch Coraline?" Jack asked.
"Alright, fine, but if you try to jumpscare me again, I'll kill you." I responded half joking. I feel years being taken off my life every time he tries to scare me.
He groaned. "Fiiiine" He inputted a cd and turned on the TV. He selected play, and here we were. The ominous introduction to Coraline. I didn't want to admit it, but this movie always freaks me out. But I always put on an apathetic demeanor to seem tough to my brother.
I usually tell my brother everything, but I don't wanna look like a coward.

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