Chapter 35: Kevin

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After my shift at work, I changed into a light pink sweater with gray jeans. I decided to visit Streber. I wanted to see if Evelyn had talked to them.
It was pretty late, sure, but my parents weren't strict. I didn't really have a curfew. I just had to let them know I'll be out late. I was 17, after all.
Once I got into the car, about to put on Dear Evan Hansen songs to listen to on the way, I realized I had gotten a text from Evelyn. It read, "Kevin, we need you here. Now."
It had been sent 5 minutes ago. I decided to not put on music, and just drove, desperately trying to get to my boyfriend's house. Scared that he was hurt.
Or worse.
I parked across the street from his house, and bolted to the front door. I rang the doorbell, and it opened quickly. Not by Evelyn this time. It was Streber that answered.
He looked like he'd been crying. His eyes were tear stained and slightly bloodshot. His hair was a mess. He didn't have his fangs in. He was wearing an old, slightly torn Gorillaz shirt.
I thought back to when I first saw him at that carnival. Helping a little girl. There was a huge smile on his face. He had vampire fangs, a black trench coat, and a dark gray jumper.
I thought about how much I wanted to protect him from this much emotional distress.
"Hey, Kevin..." He muttered. He sounded pissed.
"Streber, are you okay..?" I asked, grabbing onto his hand.
"I'm fine!" He moved his hand away. New tears were forming.
His mom walked towards us and told Streber, "Don't talk to Kevin like that, he's just trying to help."
"Maybe I don't want to feel better!" He yelled, to no one in particular. "Maybe the only option I want is for this shitty excuse for a life to end!"
"Streber, language!" His mom responded.
Streber just started laughing and pulled a cigarette out of his back pocket and lighted it in front of her.
"Streber..." I softly said.
This wasn't the same guy who drew beautiful surreal art. The same guy who'd greet me every morning with his arms wrapped around me. The same guy who lived for fries, cocoa, and Tim Burton films.
This couldn't be the same guy. This wasn't my Streber.
"Kevin, you're only wasting your time! I'm beyond repair~" Streber laughed.
I stepped back. Before I knew it, I was running. I wasn't sure where I had planned on going. But when I found a blank piece of notebook paper on the ground, and a pen in my pocket, I knew what I had to do.
So I quickly wrote down my message to the world, and found a busy highway.
I would be the talk of the town tomorrow. The dead kid that everyone suddenly cared about.

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora