Chapter 43: Kevin

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It was weird that I hadn't seen Skid or Pump yet this year. They must've been doing something else.
Roy, Ross, and Robert all of a sudden came through the door.
"Oh come on, you know that gave me nightmares." Roy whined.
"Wait, Weirdmageddon gave you nightmares?" Ross asked quietly.
Robert smiled. "We don't have to watch Weirdmageddon, we can watch some of the tamer episodes!"
Roy sighed. "Fine."
They approached the counter.
"What can I get you boys?" I asked.
"Can we get 3 lollipops and 6 chocolate bars?" Robert asked.
"Sure!" I smiled, getting the candy for the three boys.
I put the lollipops and chocolate into a bag, and Robert handed me $9.
"Thanks, Kevin!" Robert said.
Ross just sort of smiled, and Roy didn't give much of a reaction.
"You're welcome!" I said.
They then left the store.
Things can be pretty bland at work. I wished Streber was there. I found myself spacing out, thinking about him.
His smile was so cute. So was his voice. And he was just cute in general.
"Kevin? Kevin!? Earth to Kevin!"
I snapped out of it. A woman with dirty blonde hair in a short ponytail and a yellow outfit was standing in front of me.
"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, what can I get you?" I asked.
"Eh, don't worry about it, Kevin! And you can just call me Jaune, ma'am sounds too formal for me." She scanned the shop. "Do you have caramel apples?"
"Yup! How many would you like, ma'a-I mean, Jaune?"
"Just one is fine with me." Jaune smiled. "How much will that be?"
I got the apple out of the display case. "$4. Will that be all, Jaune?"
"Yup!" She handed me a $10 bill. "Keep the change."
I gave her the apple, and she left.
She was really nice. She kind of looked like Ross.
I found myself drifting off to sleep.
The next thing I knew, I was walking towards a house. I saw a couple of scare actors around someone. I saw some blood on the porch. Was someone bleeding? I walked over to the scene. What I saw was horrific.
Streber was unconscious on the ground, blood coming out of his mouth. He had a stab wound in his stomach, and his left forearm was torn off, the bone right next to him, a pool of blood around him.
I stood there, not knowing what to.
The next thing I knew, I had woken up at the Candy Club.
It was just a dream...

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