Chapter 60: Radford

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After changing into my demon costume, I started making my way to my mom's house so I could hang out with Robert.
Of course, it's possible that he could be with the Hatzgang, but it didn't matter. I wanted to see my little brother.
I was walking through the streets when a woman with long, purple hair started racing toward me.
"Hey, you need a costu-" I started to say, before she started bashing me in the head.
What the hell?
"It's not worth it, you need to calm down, miss." Kevin's brother grabbed a hold of her.
"Miss, you are gonna get in trouble!! STOP IT NOW!" Another police officer cut in.
"Where is my son!! I WILL BEAT YOU TO DEATH-"
"What the hell is wrong with you, you crazy bitch?" I started to yell.
After about 15 minutes of incomprehensible arguing, the woman stopped. "Wait, you aren't the Devil guy. The Devil guy was a lot taller than you."
All I could do was stare at her.
"What the actual fu-"
I continued my way downtown, possibly a huge bruise on the top of my head, wondering what was wrong with that lady.
I walked past the Candy Club, noticing a few kids stealing candy. I ran over to the alleyway, to see Kevin, Rick, and a couple of kids.
I started to walk over to Kevin to warn him. But when he saw me, he started throwing candy at me.
"Bro, woah!" I started to yell. Dude! Dude! DUDE DUDE!!" Alright this is getting ridiculous.
"What is your problem!?" I screamed at him.
"Wait...A-Are you gonna kill us...?" Kevin shakily asked.
What? I'm sorry, I think I'm missing something here.
"No, I just wanted to tell you that kids are stealing candy!"
Kevin froze. "Oh, shit!" He ran back inside.
I sighed, rolled my eyes, and made my way to the haunted house to see how Streber was doing.
Until I saw the ambulance and the police cars...

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Where stories live. Discover now