Chapter 42: Streber

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I got up a couple hours after Kevin left for work. I was in a theater program for college, and on Halloween, we were putting on Beetlejuice.
And guess who had the role of Beetlejuice?
Yours truly, me! Streber!
I decided to practice my lines, as Kevin and Radford were at work, and I was home alone for once.
I was practicing my lines when Radford was here once. Never again.
I was in the living room, practicing my lines for the song, "Fright of Their Lives".
"Don't be so vanilla, would a little anger kill ya? Come on, drop your panties, I'm trying to fill ya with wisdom and skill, and the instinct to kill-"
"That's what she said!" Radford yelled from the kitchen.
"What happened to you being the mature one here?" I yelled back.
Yeah, so I've learned my lesson.
So now, I practice only with the cast and on my own.
Me and Kevin are closer than ever, our love growing even stronger each day.
But, I couldn't stop worrying that Bob could escape and come for me.
I knew I was on his hit list. Well, he didn't really have much of a hit list. He'd kill at random.
But I could tell that when I faced him those years ago, silently hinting that I knew his "secret", that he wanted me dead. What if he escaped and came for me?
Or came for Kevin and Radford first?
That had been scaring me for a while, but I started feeling a bit calmer when I talked to a therapist about it, and was prescribed some anxiety medication.
It still floated around in the back of my mind, though. And I've made it my duty to protect both Kevin and Radford.
I'm not going to let my boyfriend or my closest friend get hurt.
Once I had gone through all my lines, I took a shower, put on a baggy magenta hoodie and black sweatpants, and put in my vampire fangs.
Yeah, I know it may be a bit childish, but my fangs made me feel complete.
I decided to visit Kevin in the Candy Club, which was only two blocks away, so I could just walk.
On my way there, I heard a faint noise. Like a soft, "mew!"
It came from down a dark alleyway.
Now, I never said I was smart, so don't come at me, but I walked over to where the sound came from. I found a box with a small kitten inside. It looked hungry. And it looked a bit hurt.
It looked up at me. It had beautiful yellow eyes, black fur, and part of its ear had been bitten.
It was helpless. But beautiful. I looked around, picked up the box, and searched for a vet.

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