Chapter 39: Kevin

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I left the hospital about a week later, when I was stable enough to walk and speak normally.
It was time for me to go to a mental hospital for at least 2 weeks. They had to know if I was mentally stable enough to not be a threat to myself. But I was hopeful for the future.
My parents took Streber in for the time being until we graduated high school. The only catch is, he actually needed to graduate high school.
Streber visited me every day while I was in the hospital. I could tell he was crushed by what his mom had done, but he was trying his best to keep it together.
Radford finally got the chance to visit the night before I was discharged from the first hospital.
"Hey, Kevin." He said as he walked in. "I've missed you."
"Radford!" I was happy to see him. "You made it!"
Radford laughed. "I was about to say the same thing! I was really worried, Kev..." His smile faded, and he sat next to my hospital bed. "Please never do that again, I thought I lost ya when I got the news..." A tear fell down his cheek.
I sadly smiled at him. "I won't, I promise..."
Radford was fighting tears. "You better f-cking not...Kev, you're all I got, other than my little brother, of course...I can't get through all this alone..." He couldn't fight it anymore, and the waterworks started. "You're my best friend, Kev... please don't leave me alone..."
This is probably the first time I've seen him legitimately emotional. It made my eyes fill with tears. "Radford...hey, it's won't happen again...I'm safe..."
A kid, about 10 or 11, walks in. "Radford, why are we here? It's creepy...and I thought we were going to get ice cream" he asked politely.
"Robert, I-...." Radford was still crying.
Wait, Radford's brother was here?
"Robert, we're still getting ice cream, don't worry...I just wanted to visit my friend..." Radford hardly got out.
"Kevin? Are you okay?" Robert asked me, finally seeing me in the hospital bed.
"I'm fine, Robert..." I weakly said.
"What happened, dude? You look pretty beat up." Robert looked at me, worried.
I looked at Radford. Radford wasn't taking the situation very well, so I wasn't sure if he wanted me to tell Robert. But Radford shakily told Robert, "H-He almost killed himself..."
Robert looked in my direction. "Kevin, why...?" he softly asked.
I just sighed and responded with, "It's a long story, and don't worry about it." I smile reassuringly. "I'm fine now."
Robert and his friends come to the Candy Club sometimes. Everyone calls them bullies, but I've never really seen why. They're all pretty nice, other than Roy. But even then, he wasn't really rude. Robert's almost like a younger brother to me.
"Alright, if you say so..." Robert still seemed on-edge.
Radford stood up. "Well...we should probably get going...I'll see you, dude..."
"Bye, Kevin!" Robert waved.
"Bye, guys." I waved goodbye to both of them.
And then they were gone.
And I was sitting there. Alone.

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