Chapter 68: Streber

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I looked around. "Well, kid, do you happen to know if Kevin's okay?" I asked
"Your partner? I don't know! Again, I'm just the messenger."
"You're able to read my mind, so I know that you're more than a messenger." I said, annoyed. "You can communicate with whoever 'she' is, so ask her if my boyfriend is safe and if I'm going to make it out of this hellhole!"
The kid smiled. "As you wish!" He looked past me at the back right corner of the room.
"Oh dear. That is not good at all." He said after a moment.
"What, is something wrong?" I frowned. "Is Kevin alright?"
The kid looks back at me. "Unimportant!" They smiled. That haunting smile. "Now, seeing that you'll be here a while, we have some business to attend to."
"What do you mean 'business'?" I asked.
"Well, in the possible event that you wake up, there are hundreds of ways I can help you improve your pitiful life." He said.
"But I'm happy with my life. I have a promising future. I have a loving boyfriend, who I'm ready to make things official with. I have a lot of friends, too! My life is not pitiful!"
The kid's smile widened. "Is it? Because from what I have seen, you go through episodes of crippling self hatred, but hesitate to open up about it."
I stopped. "How did you-"
"I can read your mind!" He reminded me. "Now, these records say that the self hatred stems from....gender dysphoria. And the reasoning for that is because you feel like you're always being misgendered by passersby, am I correct?"
"Uh...I guess so...but I'm fine with presenting masculine, I'm a demiboy, and..." I sighed. "I'm not a man. I just feel like I connect with being masculine."
"Exactly! And sometimes it hurts when people misunderstand or see you as 'harmful'. But you have to remember. There are always people who won't like you. That's life. But you have Kevin, Radford, Jenna, Ross, and Fang. And they care about you. And they see you as you are."
I softly smiled. "Thanks, kiddo...that's really sweet..."
"Well, it's all the truth! I can't physically lie." The kid said.
My expression shifted. "Wait, you said you shouldn't tell me if Kevin was okay. Is he hurt?"
The kid graciously smiled. "He's fine...physically. He isn't taking this situation well."
"Yeah..but I'm sure the situation will be resolved once...well, I shouldn't tell you the other part."
This can't be good.

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