Chapter 25: Kevin

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Streber was holding my arm and giving me a pained look. That's what I get for not getting a jacket.
I can explain. I missed my brother, school was stressing me out, being a Junior wasn't easy, my parents started fighting a few months ago and are contemplating divorce, and I had no idea where to turn. So...yeah...
Streber softly pleaded, "Kevin...wh-why...?"
Great. Now my eyes would become Niagara Falls.
Streber just lost their brother to suicide. And now they'd worry about losing their boyfriend.
What's wrong with me? All I want to do is help the people I love, but I always end up hurting them. I mean...look at Jack...
"I-I'm so sorry, Streb..."
"Kev..." He cups my face with one hand. He looks at me sadly.
The innocent, passionate light in his eyes was gone. Now, only cold, hard, truth.
How could this happen?
Why him?
Why does he have to suffer?
Why was this world so broken, not even the smallest shred of light could survive?
"I can stay here with you tonight, if that's okay.." I offered, changing the subject.
"I...that would be great, honey..." he shakily replied.
I didn't mean to scare him...
Why did this innocent spirit have to be broken so harshly?
It was almost like if you stopped a young kid on the street and told them that they were now homeless because their house burned down.
That their life would never be the same.

"Are you sure it's okay that I sleep in your bed?" I asked.
"Of course, Kev." Streber weakly smiled. He didn't have his vampire fangs in. A rare sight.
"Alright..." I responded. I climbed into bed next to Streber.
Of course, I told my parents I'd spend the night. I didn't give any details, though. We don't need any more drama.
Streber was still sort of crying. Halloween was tomorrow. I wasn't sure if they still wanted to celebrate.
I pulled Streber into a close hug, cuddling him. He curled up in my chest.
He bandaged my scars. Pink band-aids. I kinda liked them. Streber continued to hug me and tell me how much he loved me all night.
Now, we were in his room, and he was quietly crying while resting in my arms.
He fell asleep a lot sooner than I did. Once I finally began feeling tired, I whispered a small, "I love you, Streber.." before drifting off to sleep.

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon