Chapter 9: Kevin

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I walked toward my first class, which happened to be math, and waited by the room for school to start. That's when I noticed Streber across the hallway. He seemed scared. What is going on with everyone today?
I walk over to Streber, and just as I'm about to ask if he's alright, he gives me an out-of-the-blue hug.
"You're okay!" He exclaimed. He then pulled away from the hug. "Heh, sorry.."
Okay, I'm really confused. Why is everyone so concerned about me? "Uh, yeah? I'm fine."
He gives me a puzzled look. "You haven't heard?" he asked. I haven't heard what? Was there a shooting?
I shook my head no. "I haven't heard what?" This must have been what Jack and Mom were concerned about, whatever it was.
"An unidentified body turned up near the Candy Club! I was so scared that it was you." He exclaimed.
A body? Candy Club? There was a murder near the Candy Club? Last night? Streber was actually worried about me?
"Y-you were..worried..?" Crap. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Streber looked anxious and said, "Heh, sorry if that's weird.."
"No, no, of course not!" I utter out. I am way too awkward for my own good. I hoped I wouldn't screw everything up. I really enjoy being around him, and I didn't want to screw up my friendship with him.
Streber smiled at me. It was then that I noticed he was holding a sketchbook, and I really wanted to change the subject.
"Y-you like to draw?" I asked.
"Yeah, I like drawing to pass the time when I'm not busy." He hugs the book.
"If it doesn't bother you, could I see your art?"
"If you really want to." he warmly smiled.
I softly smile in return. "Yeah, of course!"
He opens his sketchbook to reveal a drawing of the girl from Corpse Bride. It's a really beautiful drawing. She's standing in a garden filled with wilting flowers and she's looking at a dog hanging off of a tree.
He's really talented, I'll say that. "Wow, that's amazing.." I told him.
"Oh, come on, it's not that remarkable." he blushes in embarrassment.
"Streber, seriously, that is remarkable." I admired his humbleness, but this is the most beautiful drawing I've seen in a long time.
"Heh, thanks, Kevin," he said, in a really sincere tone. "I don't really show my art too often."
"Why not?" I asked. "It's amazing!"
He chuckled. "You really think so, Kev?" He looked up at me.
"Of course I do, Streber, you're extremely talented!" I say, looking back at him.
Just then, the bell rang for first period. Great. Math.
"Well, thank you..a lot, Kevin." He thanked me. "I'll talk to you at lunch!"
"I'll talk to you at lunch!" I responded. We sat at opposite sides of the classroom, so we couldn't help each other, or even interact. So I just waited for class to start, dreading the upcoming exam. But I couldn't stop thinking about the murder. Who would kill somebody just outside a candy store? Or hide the body by it? Who was killed? I had a million questions, but no answers. How had I not known this?
Who would do this? And why?


At lunch, I sit at the table nearest to the gates that separate the school from the outside world. I waited for a moment for Streber. I saw him hugging his sketchbook, searching for something, and we finally made eye contact.
He smiled at me and approached my table.
"Hey, Kevin!" He greeted me.
"Hey, Streber."
He sat down, putting his sketchbook by his lunch. He had a ham sandwich and a bag of potato chips.
I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't take out my lunch.
"So, uh, are the rumors true?" I ask without thinking.
He's quiet for a moment. I can tell he knows what I'm talking about. He doesn't seem the most comfortable about this. I think that was too far.

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora