Chapter 53: Kevin

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Great. Okay. I was stuck with this stupid doll until some kid is willing to take it. I threw it on the counter.
"Now I gotta check the candy they annoying." I turned back to the counter, but the doll vanished. Odd. I didn't see anyone come in.
Suddenly, the lights shut off. Someone must be pulling a Halloween prank. I hate children...
"You pesky little gremlins!" I shouted out. It had to have been Roy. "Come out right now!"
I looked around for a possible explanation, but that's when I saw the doll standing behind the counter, right beside the door leading to the back.
It was holding a knife.
Yup, this is the end. I had a good run.
I tried to sprint, but it grabbed onto my leg, and stabbed me in the knee. I felt the blood flowing out of my leg. It made it difficult to stand.
"YES!" The doll exclaimed.
It talks too. Lovely.
I picked it up and tossed it across the shop, hoping to find something that could possibly stop it.
But it grabbed a lollipop, broke it so that the ends were sharp, and gave me a menacing smile.
"What to do? What to do?" I thought out loud, in a panic. I'm not letting myself get killed by a Happy Fella.
I rushed to the gumball machine, put a bunch of gumballs in my mouth, chewed them up, took them out of my mouth, and threw them at the doll.
It landed in the doll's face, blocking its vision. "Even if I can't see you, I'll find you, and I'll kill you!" It shouted.
I quickly grabbed it using a tin bucket, and threw it into the alley behind the store.
I leaned on the door behind me after throwing that horrendous thing out, sitting down so I wouldn't hurt my leg even more.
Great. I get to live another day.
"Ugh..." I groaned.
That's when Skid and Pump walked in, wearing full winter gear.
"Hi, Kevin!" They both said in unison.
Their expressions quickly shifted when they saw me on the ground, blood pouring out of my leg.
"Oh, wh-what happened to you?" Pump asked.
"Not right now kids..." I said, wiped out from the fight.
Pump ran over to the Bubble Band-Aids, grabbed a package, and approached me. He took one out, licked it, and put it on my leg.
Aw. That's actually kind of sweet. I warmly smiled at them. "Thanks so much, dude!"
Skid almost instantly changed the subject. "Listen, Kevin, we need your help. Uh..we lost our doll, and we need to tell the police about it, and-and we just-it's a really special doll, and..."
My smile faded. I knew it. I wanted to bash my head into the wall. "The doll I just threw in the back is YOURS?!" I practically screamed.
Both of their faces lit up. "Oh, it's in the back?" Pump asked.
"Thank you, Kevin!" They both left to go retrieve their doll.
Damn. That stupid doll! Those stupid kids!
I sighed, trying to calm down.
"Ugh, whatever..."
The Bubble Band-Aid fell off my leg.
And I was just left there, alone, until someone was willing to come, and hopefully take me to the hospital.

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Where stories live. Discover now