Chapter 69: Radford

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(Haha nice)(yes I'm immature)

I decided to spend the night at my mom's house that night. My sister was sick, so the first thing I did was check on her.
"Hey, sis..." I said softly as I opened the door to her room.
"Radford!" She exclaimed happily.
I smiled weakly. "How are you?"
"I'm sick..." she complained. "But I'm feeling a lot better!"
"I'm's getting late, so we can catch up in the morning..."
"Aw...okayyy...." She groaned.
"See you in the morning, sis.."
"See you in the morning, Rad!"
I closed the door behind me as I left her room. Mom was just behind me.
"Son, are you okay?" She asked softly. "Your brother told me what happened..."
I began crying again.
"Aw...son..." she hugged me. "I'm sure he'll be okay..."
"Th-there was just so much blood..." I managed to get out between tears.
"I know, I know, shhh, shhh..."
"Streber's my best friend, I don't want to lose him like this..." I muttered.
"And you won't....I'm sure he will be okay..."
I knew she was just telling me this to make me feel better. I was 98% sure that he wasn't going to survive.
I got a text from Kevin.
"I got an update from the nurse. He isn't expected to live. I don't want to lose him, Radford! What do I do??" It read.
Everything stopped. I guess this is it, then.
Mom looked at me, confused. "Who was that from?"
"It was from Kevin..." I stood there, defeated.
Things sure as hell would never be the same.
(Sorry it's so short, I've been really busy lol)

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon