Chapter 65: Streber

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"What the hell do you mean I'm in a coma?! Where's Kevin? Where's Radford?" I asked frantically.
"Calm down, mister, stress will slow down the healing process." the kid said, the ominous smile never leaving his face.
"What do you mean, healing proce-" and then I remembered everything. My arm being torn off. Getting stabbed in the gut. I froze and looked at the kid. "Who are you, anyways?" I asked.
"Well, I'm [redacted]." he stopped. "Oh, right! I can't tell you that until after you've died."
"So, I'm alive."
"Oh, well, yes, I'm sure of that, but you aren't conscious." A clip board materialized in his hands. "From what I have here, there are two outcomes to this unfortunate mishap." He studied the piece of paper on the clipboard. "Either you have 5 hours left to live, and you'll never see Kevin or Radford again until they die, or you're in a coma for around two months."
I froze. "How-I I get to choose, or-"
"Oh, no, sir!" he giggled. "Your outcome has already been decided!"
Hm. Odd. "Well, do you know which one it is?"
"Heavens no, I'm just the messenger! Your fate was decided by her!" He gestured to a blank wall.
"Who...?" I asked. "There's no one there..."
"Oh, right! You can't see her yet!" The boy remarked. "I'm sorry about that!"
"So, I just have to stay here?" I asked, a bit confused.
"Yup! Not for long, though! Your fate rests in her hands!"
"Who are you even talking about?" I asked, wanting to wake up from this nightmare as soon as humanly possible.
"[redacted]. Oh! I guess I can't say her name either! Oh, well!!" The boy chuckled.
"Can you please explain what the f-ck is going on!?" I asked forcefully.
"Language!" The boy's smile was haunting.
"Okay, geez! What's going on?" I asked.
"Well, you're not dead, but you aren't 100% alive either, so you have been sent to a private area, where no one can enter or leave, aside from me, of course!" He closed his eyes, widening his smile even more. "And looking at your life, it's been pitiful, at best. But don't worry, I'm here to help you!"
I want to punch this kid.
"You can't punch me. You can't even place a finger on me. You'll die. And your soul won't be recovered."
Can this kid read my thoughts?
This is going to be a long 5 hours or 2 months, depending on if I make it out of this.

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