Chapter 57: Radford

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Yeah, I know you weren't thinking I'd have any real part in the story other than being the mom-friend/roommate. But this Halloween changed everything. None of us, not Kevin, not Streber, not even I will ever be the same.
Heh, sorry that sounded ominous! I just mean that this would be the Halloween that Kevin was planning to make things official with Streber.
He was going to ask the question.
I'm really happy for the two, but I have an overwhelming feeling that something was going to happen. We haven't had a Halloween without some kind of mishap for a while.
But I hoped it happened to me instead of those two. Because they're both finally truly happy.
And I don't think I've had my fair share of pain yet.
Scratch that, that sounded masochistic.
I remember seeing Kevin, anxious a few days before Halloween. I was about to leave for work, and Streber was setting up the haunted house.
Kevin was pacing around the living room, mumbling to himself.
"Kev, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, but how do I ask the most perfect person on earth to marry me?" He quickly asked.
I let out a small sigh. I really don't understand why he asks me, of all people, for relationship advice. "Maybe the best way to do it, is to put your fears aside, and just do it." I tried to sound reassuring. But I just really didn't understand why he was so scared.
I see the way the two look at each other. If Streber wasn't ready to get married, by no means would that mean they'd break up with him.
"Worst case scenario, they aren't ready yet, and you just continue dating until they are ready." I shrugged.
"Thanks, Radford...I needed that.." he chuckled softly.
"No problem, Kev. I have to get to work, so I'll see you later tonight."
"See you later tonight, Radford!"
Honestly, I can't blame Kevin for asking me for advice. I've had to fake being in loads of relationships so I wouldn't be called weird, and so I wouldn't be outed. And all of them were pretty successful, of course, until I broke up with them because the thought of being in a relationship makes me uncomfortable. But I wanted to make sure it wouldn't hurt the partner too much, so I would never get into anything serious.
I really don't see a need for a partner. I enjoy time with friends more. And romance just isn't my thing.
That doesn't make me unhappy. I have many other priorities. Like making sure Halloween went smoothly for my closest friend, Kevin.
Which may be impossible, considering Kevin hired Rick, who is impossible to work with. He worked with me at the movie theater last year, and he kept letting young kids into R-rated movies, and the second I confronted him about it, he quit.
But it was his only hope at getting any help at the Candy Club for the time being, so I couldn't really judge him for it.
But now I need help at the theater.
Eh, at least I don't have a shift on Halloween. So I can finally relax for once in my life.

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