Chapter 19: Kevin

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I have a date. I have a date with Streber. I couldn't believe it. I was going out with the cutest guy I've ever met.
"Where's my 15 bucks?" Radford asked.
"Alright fine, you were right, he did confess first, but he w-"
"So give me the damn 15 dollars!"
I groan and get my wallet out of my pocket. "Fiiine..."
"Thank you." he said with a smug grin.
He was like a cross between Thomas Jefferson(in Hamilton, at least) and Jared Kleinman. He was passive aggressive and sarcastic. But he was a good friend, at least.
It was a cold read of this year's production. We were putting on The Newsies, and I was playing Spec. Radford didn't have to come, he was going to work at the ticket booth again this year, but it didn't seem like he had anything better to do.
"At least you were able to ask him out on a date first, I'll give you that." He remarked. "Didn't think you had it in you." He said smugly.
"Well, I do." I said defensively.
"Alright, whatever you say, Jeremy Heere." He teased.
"Shut uuup!" I laughed.
He laughs in return. "But seriously, I'm proud of you, dude." He smiles warmly.
"Thanks, Radford.." I smile back.
"Everyone, it's time to begin Act 1!" The director announced.


After rehearsal, I kind of felt like talking to Streber, mostly about what our date means for our friendship, or if it's blossoming into a relationship.
As I began walking home, I dialed Streber's number.
He picked up really quickly.
"Hey, Kevin." He spoke very quietly.
"Streb, you okay? Did something happen?" He was anxious. He sounded scared.
"Get me out of here before I get murdered-" he forcefully whispered.
Murdered? "Uh, okay, I'll be right there." He better not get murdered. I hang up and start running towards Streber's house. It wasn't far from the theater, so it wasn't too far for comfort.
What happened? Is he okay? I don't think I'd ever forgive myself if he got hurt. I cared about him too much. No, I loved him too much, I can't let anything happen to him.
I approached his front door, dreading whatever could have happened. I heard...laughter? I knocked on the door, and it's quickly opened by Bob Velseb. What was he doing here?
"Hello there, Kevin!" He smiled. "You here to see Streber?"
I nodded.
"He went to his room." He said, gesturing to the hallway.
"Don't mention it, kiddo!"
I make my way down the hallway to Streber's room.
"Streb?" I said as I entered the room.
A small voice emerged from under  Streber's bed. "Kevin..?"
I bend down to see Streber hiding under his bed. "Streber? Are you okay? What happened?"
"B-Bob." Was all he managed to say.
I sighed. I should've known. He was terrified of him. "C'mere..." I offered a hug.
He crawled out from under his bed and hugged me.
"You're going to be okay, I'll make sure of it." I told him, trying to be reassuring.
"But I don't want you to get hurt." He said, looking up at me.
I placed a hand on his cheek, and he put both his hands on my hand.
I felt myself getting closer to him. Before either of us knew it, our lips were touching.
I had kissed Streber.
After a moment I pulled away, redder than a tomato. Streber was looking at me in awe.
He grabbed my hand, and kissed me again.

A Sweet Tooth For You(Kevin x Streber)Where stories live. Discover now