Chapter 1: I Am Blind

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"Kawaii!" Tomoyo Daidouji yelled as she stared into a window.

"What is it?" asked Sakura Kinomoto who was holding her cane, looking excited.

"Remember the teddy I gave you for your 15th birthday?" Tomoyo asked.

"You mean Kero-chan? Yea."

"Well, here is his little fur ball friend Spinal." Tomoyo giggled.

"Awww…what does he look like?" Sakura asked.

"Well…he's violet with a long slim tail with a bushy end. His ears are pointer then Kero-chans and he has a bell around his neck." Tomoyo explained.

Sakura's eyes warmed up. "WOW!" She cried.

"Told ya so!" Tomoyo winked.

Sakura giggled. "Sure, sure Tomoyo."

Kinomoto Sakura was blind. She was hit on the head 3 years back just a week after her 15th birthday. Ever since that day, Sakura's been trying to raise enough money to pay for her eye operation. But no matter how much she tries, her family can't raise enough money. And her cousin Daidouji Tomoyo? She's not rich at all. She's even poorer then Sakura's family.

"Tomoyo-chan, what time is it?" Sakura asked as she tapped her cane on the floor.

"Quarter to 7." Tomoyo replied.

"Shit. Touya comes home at 7, Okaa-san is away for the day and Otou-san is at work. We have to get home before Touya does." Sakura hissed.

Tomoyo nodded and called a taxi.

"What did you say?" Sakura asked.

"Oops. I mean hai Sakura-chan." Tomoyo replied guilt traveling through her veins.

"No problem-o Tomoyo." Sakura smiled.

No matter what, Tomoyo's cousin never lets anything take her down. Even for her vision, Sakura is still as genki, as genki can get.

The ride was short but sweet. The window was open and since this was the time for Cherry Blossoms, it smelt sweet.

"Sakura-chan, your birthday is in 2 weeks time." Tomoyo said giddily.

Sakura smiled. "Yea I know."

"We should do something." She said.

"Like what?" Sakura asked.

"I dunno, but we should." And that ended their conversation.

The two reached the house at 7:02. 2 minutes late.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Touya roared.

Tomoyo winced. Sakura stayed calm. "Shopping, you mind?"

"YOU'RE 2 MINUTES LATE!" Touya boomed.

"C'mon Touya, 2 minutes didn't kill a person." Sakura laughed.

"YEA?! WELL IN 2 MINUTES YOUR VISION WAS GONE, AND YOU SAY 2 MINUTES DIDN'T KILL A PERSON?!" Touya yelled but instantly regretted it.

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