Chapter 35: Critical Conditions

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"SYAORAN!" Sakura screamed as she felt the car tip overboard.

'NO!' his mind roared as he saw flashes of his children… his wife… his entire life before him.

Out of pure instincts, he unfastened his seatbelt and flung himself over his wife.

"SYAORAN NO!" Sakura screamed as the car started to fall.

Syaoran looked into Sakura's eyes as he felt the car fall.

"Just be ok." He whispered. The car then started to fall, to hit the highway right below the bridge.

"Be ok… and Sakura, I love you." And the car fell, both of them falling unconscious upon the impact.


"…Loose of blood…"

"Critical Condition…"


"A coma…"

"Temporarily vision loss…"

Li Ying Fa was just waking up to the sounds of a doctor's report.

She attempted to open her eyes but couldn't because there was a cloth covering her eyes. She had heard moments of the conversation but she was still weary.

"'elo." Sakura rasped, her voice dry because of the lack of water.

The voices stopped right away and she felt somebody rush towards her. A hand was placed on her hand as she felt a doctor stick a thermometer in her mouth.

"Mrs. Li." Said a very unfamiliar voice.

Sakura didn't have the strength to move so she just remained still.

"You were in a terrible car accident. Right now I have your cousin Taro with me. Your brother was it, is with your children in the waiting room and your mother and your cousin Tomoyo are in no condition to meet you right now. So Taro is here with me."

And Sakura was grateful.

"Taro, could you please push the bed to the upright position?" The doctor said.

Sakura was feeling dead, dirty, dreary, mucky, sad, lonely and very, very much in pain.

"Sakura… you were sleeping for a week." Said Taro in Sakura's ear. Her eyes would have widened if she were able to open them.

"I don't think she is in the condition. We'll tell her everything when she regains her strength."

Taro kissed Sakura's temple before leaving with the doctor. Sakura lay back down, in her own darkness…

Sakura saw herself in a car with her husband, driving to Katie and Yoshiwa's bungalow. Then, there was an impact.

"SYAORAN!" came her voice.

Syaoran swerved to get steady but another car hit him, causing his car to go over.

"Sakura, I love you…"

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