Chapter 44: Faltering Trust

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'You'll regret going against me Hitomi, I am, after all, a Li.'

Syaoran and Shoaling went downstairs and this time Shoaling sat beside Sakura, kind of disgusted that Hitomi would have deceived them like that.

"Hey, so you… you know… Syaoran's little secret which he wouldn't tell me?" Sakura playfully shot a glare at Syaoran who held his hands up in defense.

Shoaling knew what Sakura meant. "Yea I do, he also told me Tomoyo, Eriol and Touya know the secret."

Sakura growled. "So them three know and I don't?"

Sakura knew instantly that Shoaling knew that she, Syaoran, Tomoyo, Eriol and Touya knew that Hitomi and Kiyoumi were lying, cheating scumbags.

"You'll find out soon," Syaoran soothed.

"Ah shaddup! You're so babysitting the twins when the girls and I go out shopping."

"Excuse me, but I have Clan business to take care of."

"Then take Taihen with you, he is the heir to the Li Throne isn't he?" Sakura pondered.

"Sometimes I regret marrying her. She's too smart for me." Syaoran shook his head.

"And I'm 3 years younger than you." Sakura winked.

"See what she does to me?" Syaoran laughed.

Touya got up and stretched then turned to the four Li sisters. "I guess it's time to go guys, I promised Fuutie I'd take you all out shopping."

"WAI!" Fuutie shot up and kissed Touya tenderly on the lips. "That's why I love him."

Sakura giggled as Fanran, Fuutie, Feimiel, Sheifa and Touya all went out to his car and went to the mall.

"Wow, that's 5 of us gone." Nadesiko murmured.

"So what do we do about Hiro?" Sakura asked.

"Can't we just kill him?" Shoaling asked getting seriously annoyed of Hiro and how he's threatening the Li family.

"Could work, but we tried that once." Syaoran said.

"It kind of backfired on us and Hiro escaped." Eriol nodded.

"What is he, a living, breathing machine?" Eriol raised a brow.

"Sweetheart, you've been watching too much Terminator." Tomoyo giggled.

"You can never get enough of Arnold Schwarzenegger." Eriol grinned. Sakura's eyes bulged. "You can actually say his last name? I still have trouble saying it."

Eriol pumped his fist. "It's called the power of Eli Moon."

"You still remember that?" Syaoran raised a brow.

"Of course," Eriol chuckled.

"I find it amusing that you guys can be so… easy going when Hiro was just released." Hitomi commented.

"That's called the power of being a Li." Shoaling told his… 'girlfriend'.

"Or being related to the Li's." Eriol amended.

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