Chapter 24: Happy Birthday King

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-. -. Next Day -. -.

Sakura woke up to a loud grumble. "Syaoran…" She moaned as she shoved Syaoran.

"Syaoran!" She tried again as Syaoran didn't budge.

"BAKA!" She shrieked as she pushed Syaoran off of the bed.


"Get me noodles."

Syaoran frowned. "Why the hell do you want noodles in the morning?"

"JUST GET IT FOR ME!" Sakura shrieked as Syaoran scrambled to get Sakura's noodles.

'Erg, damn cravings.' Syaoran thought as he walked to the kitchen.

-. -. Noon -. -.

Sakura's cravings did die down but she still had those nasty quirks here and there. I mean, one time she asked for a muffin with mayo topped with cherries and a little bit of raspberry jam. And then, like two hours ago she asked for a pizza, with broccoli, sardines, bacon, cherries, strawberries, ice cream, chocolate and a bit of essence.

Syaoran didn't know how much more of this he could take.

In a week, Tomoyo, Eriol, Ryu and Mei Lin here coming, but already in a day, he was dead.

Sakura was right now in the shower, washing up, as Syaoran was on his cell-phone, talking to Ryu.

"Yea, I'm telling you man, Sakura's a slave driver. Does demanding-ness come with pregnancy?"

"Hah, Syaoran you crazy loon. I don't think being demanding comes with Pregnancy, it just probably runs in her genes."

"Than I hate to think how our kids would turn out."

"Yea, considering it's Ms. Bossy and Mr. Grouchy."

"Fuck off Ryu."

"Jokes. But seriously man, are you okay? Like you ain't eating that shit Sakura eats are you?"

"ARE YOU CRAZY? I'd die before I put that crap in my mouth."

Ryu sighed. "Ok good, I was afraid there for a sec dude. I mean, Sakura's seriously… strange."

"Gee, you're one to talk, I just hope she's not that obsessive wife type of person, murdering any woman that talks to me."

"I doubt that, you do go to work and interact with your secretary don't you?"

"Well yea, but that's different."

"How so?"

"Well, my secretary works for me and well, I ain't gonna screw her."

"Are you kidding? Half the men out there cheat on their wives with their secretaries. A secretary at work and a wife at home, two very good companions."

"Shut up Ryu, did you forget me and Sakura aren't permanent?"

"Ah, but who say's you're temporary? You could just as well fall in love and have lots of babies, and at the end dump them on me and Eriol."

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