Chapter 22: Goodbye Fujitaka

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Sakura screamed as she awoke. Syaoran stirred a little and also awoke. Sakura put her hand on her neck. Yea, she was still alive.

"Sakura…" Syaoran whispered as he got up.

"Syaoran!" She started crying as she jumped into his chest.

"What happened Sakura…" Syaoran asked as he stroked her hair.

"I had a dream… Hiro killed me."

Syaoran gasped. "What?"

Tears spilled endlessly out of Sakura's eyes.

"Shhh, baby it's ok. He won't come near you, I promise."

Sakura nodded as Syaoran laid her down again. He moved in closer and wrapped an arm around her waist.

Sakura intertwined her left hand with his left hand as his head was in the crook of her neck.

And again they fell asleep, Sakura this time having sweet dreams.

-.-Next Morning-.-

The two woke up in each other's arms. But in a very awkward position that left Sakura, who woke up first, blushing like friggin' hell.

For Syaoran's (shirtless only boxers) leg was pressed against Sakura's womanhood. Sakura was on top of Syaoran, her arms wrapped around his neck as his arms were tightly wrapped around her waist. Her left leg was on the side of his leg as his right leg was pressed against her.

Sakura's stomach started rumbling.

'Crap.' She thought as she tried to get loose from Syaoran's grip. He moaned as his grip tightened. Sakura blushed as she felt Syaoran's right leg move.

"Syaoran, move…" she choked.

"Sakura," He moaned.

"Syaoran, your brat's acting up." She mused as Syaoran's eyes widened.

"Sickness?" he whispered. Sakura nodded, as she felt last night's dinner rise up.

Syaoran let go of her, blushing at their position. Sakura rushed to the bedroom washroom and kneeled over the toilet, puking the remains of last night's party food. Finally, after her horrid throw ups were done with, she brushed her teeth and took a short shower as Syaoran brushed his teeth.

"What are we doing today?" Sakura asked as she wrapped a towel around her self and got out, rummaging through her closet, looking for perfect, loose cloths.

"Traveling is dangerous, Dr. Jenny said that when we found out you were pregnant, so not a lot of traveling. Do you want to explore the property?"

Sakura shrugged. "Sounds fun. When are we moving out?"

"I bought a piece of land, a bit bigger than this property, so I was thinking after we can check it out."

Sakura grinned. "Great. How many rooms are you getting?"

"A few hundred."

Sakura laughed. "That's like, exactly like this place."

"Exactly." Syaoran laughed, showing his fangs.

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