Chapter 27: Mission Miscarriage

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The crew laughed as the bell rung, but in the shadows, a very bad conversation happened…


"So can you?" asked a harsh voice.

"Of course," Said a girly voice.

"You sure?" came a feminine voice.

"Duh sis, leave it to me." Said the girly voice again.

"You do this, and we'll let you take one of our cars," Said the harsh voice again.

"Goodness, Hiro, Hitomi, you two are my favourite cousins, I'll do this, no worries okay?" said the girly voice.

Hiro smirked, "Good girl, Kiyoumi…"

.- Home -.

The day was over and Sakura got a limo ride home, with Ken in the car. Ting, Yoyo, and everybody else bid Sakura farewell, and as a joke, Sakura had said, "I'm expecting you all on duty tomorrow!" they all laughed and Sakura got in to the limo, followed by Ken.

"We have to stay clear from Hiro." Ken said seriously.

"I already know that Ken." Sakura mumbled as she rubbed her stomach. Something was tensing Sakura up. That Kiyoumi bitch was giving her the evil eye all day.

'She looks so much like Hiro,' Sakura thought absently. Before she knew it, the limo pulled up beside their house. Sakura saw two more limo's pulled up and knew that Yelan came to visit along with some of her friends.

"Ken, you can go home now." Sakura said. The Limo would drop Ken off and come back to the mansion.

The butler opened the door for Sakura as she quietly walked in.

Sakura was wearing a loose peach coloured skirt that reached up to her ankles. She had yellow flip-flops and a white button up shirt that had pink flowers all over it. Her hair was let out all day.

She saw Syaoran, Shoaling, Ryu, Xenon, Yelan and a man and a woman that Sakura didn't know sitting in the Grand hall.

"Afternoon." Sakura greeted as she slightly bowed. The man and the woman stood up and bowed at Sakura. Syaoran, Shoaling and Ryu all greeted Sakura. They got up and walked, in Shoaling and Ryu's case, more like hopped, over to Sakura and helped her sit down.

"What's got you so happy?" Sakura asked Shoaling and Ryu.

"Syaoran promised us a full day at the arcade." Ryu grinned.

"Good grief, you two are children."

"Get used to it." Shoaling said laughing as he sat on Sakura's left side. Syaoran as on Sakura's right side and Ryu was leaning over the sofa, hovering above Sakura's head.

"Sakura, darling," Syaoran started, Sakura had to stifle a giggle because he rarely ever called her darling, and when ever he did, it was usually for show, "this is Yoshiwa Ichiru and his wife Katie Ichiru, my biggest business partner."

Sakura smiled, "Hello."

"Yoshiwa, Katie, this is my wife, Sakura who is 4 months pregnant with twins."

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