Chapter 21: Reminder of the Promise

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Sakura's eyes widened. "You put us up?" She hissed in his ear.

Syaoran smirked. "Yea. So?"


Sakura glared at Syaoran as they walked up on stage and started doing a Tango.

"You're pretty good." Sakura whispered as they took a sharp turn.

"My wife is a dancer, obviously. And besides, ma made me take Tango lessons when I was younger."

Sakura giggled as they finished.

They walked back to find their friends in applause.

"Dance till you Drop night is fun!" Mei Lin cheered.

They all had to agree.


Everybody was awaiting the next dancers.


The crew's eyes widened as they saw Hiro and his sister Hitomi walk up on to the floor…

"What's he doing here?" Mei Lin hissed. Ryu had to stop her from killing Hiro, not that he didn't want to but right now wasn't a good time. I mean at a party? They'd kill Hiro in privet... muwahahah!

Syaoran was glaring daggers at Hiro as he started doing a Hip Hop dance with Hitomi.


"Hiro has a sister?" Tomoyo was the first to break the silence.

The crew looked at Tomoyo… while Shoaling looked at Hitomi.

"You didn't know that?" Syaoran asked dumbstruck.

Sakura shook her head. "No, when I was engaged to Hiro, he was an only child."

Everybody was suspicious now. "Hitomi Su… never heard of her…" Eriol muttered.

"That's because they aren't bio." Shoaling said.

They all turned and faced him. "Meaning?" Sakura asked.

"Hitomi is his step-sister." Shoaling murmured.

"How'd you know?" Sakura whispered.

"Because, she used to be my girlfriend."

Now that was a surprise…

"Shoaling…" Sakura murmured. Shoaling shook his head.

"Hitomi and me dated for 3 years ago, um… before her father married Hiro's mother. I didn't know Hiro, all I knew was that Hitomi was gonna have a brother and her soon-to-be brother was engaged."

Sakura snorted. "Yea, that was me…"

Shoaling looked at her. "You?"

"Long story, continue." Syaoran said.

"Yea so before her mom got married, Hitomi broke up with me saying that her soon-to-be bro didn't approve of me. I was pissed at him but I've never seen them since. What's the history with you?"

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