Chapter 38: A Wedding for Three And A Twilight Wish

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'Taihen, Taiyou.' Syaoran whispered.

Sakura's eyes widened. "Oh god."

Syaoran blanked back into unresponsive state.

.- Else where -.

"TAIHEN! TAIYOU!" He screamed with all his might.

He fell to his knees and pounded the ground.

'God, get me out of here…'

.- Three days later -.

"Sakura, we have to tell you something." Said Tomoyo. Everybody was sitting in the Grand Hall of the Li Mansion (Sakura and Syaoran's mansion).

"Yea?" Sakura said as she cradled her daughter.

"We're planning on changing wedding date," Chiharu said, "to when Syaoran gets up."

Sakura suddenly looked up to her three pairs of friends whom are getting married. Tomoyo and Eriol, Chiharu and Takashi and finally Mei Lin and Ryu.

"Serious?" Sakura squeaked.

Mei Lin nodded.

"That's so… oh god, guys that's so sweet of you, but you should really get on with the wedding date. Tomoyo and Eriol already sent out invites right after my anniversary date."

Tomoyo nodded. "True but we can send out cancellation invitations."

"But isn't that a hassle?"

Eriol shrugged. "Anything for our friend you know."

"He's your cousin Eri." Sakura giggled.

Eriol laughed. "Alright, anything for my cousin."

Mei Lin frowned at Eriol. "I'm your cousin too Eri!"

"Oh god! Next think you know, Ying and Yang will be begging from their second cousin, aka me!" Eriol whined.

"Can't wait eh?" Sakura smiled.

"Of course."

"So what do we do?" Takashi asked.

"We can just go visit Syaoran and see what comes out of his mouth this time." Sakura suggested.

"That's just so crazy it just might work." Hitomi giggled as Shoaling wrapped an arm around her waist.

Sakura and Tomoyo went to get the twins dressed up while everybody else went to get drivers for the limos.

.- Hospital -.

Sakura, the twins, Shoaling, and the six people that were deciding against their wedding came into the wardroom while everybody else was in the waiting room.

"Hey Syaoran," Sakura greeted softly as she stroked his hair. She kissed his forehead and she thought she felt his muscles relax under her lips.

.- Else where -.

"Yo Sakura," Syaoran said as he walked around in the infinite darkness that was his head.

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