Chapter 5: Going and Going and Gone

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Sakura was disgusted. "EWW! Sleep with Hiro, WRONG PICTURE! Besides, Syaoran is the Future leader, don't you think the damn palace is TOO secure…like more then normal when his blind wife comes in?"

Syaoran had to agree. "You're right. When you come, my mother, Yelan Li will increase the guards in the Palace. I will tell her about Su."

"And your father?" Sakura asked.

"Knowing him, he'll most probably give you a personal bodyguard."

Sakura giggled. "Hoping it's you."

Syaoran chuckled. "You bet it is Babe."

"I told you not to call me that." Sakura blushed.

"Is the Cherry Blossom blushing?"

Touya coughed.

"Sorry." Syaoran mumbled.

"You two ain't in love, so no babe shit ok?" Touya growled.

"Are you sure?" Syaoran asked.


Syaoran gulped

"So what do you think Otou-san?" Sakura asked.

Fujitaka thought for a moment and then spoke up.

"I accept, to this proposal. Only to keep my daughter safe, and keep that stupid Hiro away."

-3 days later-

Sakura was spending each and every moment with her family and friends, knowing that any day now, Syaoran will make an announcement that both of them have to head back to China. The first 2 days she spent with her mother and father, and the 3rd day was dedicated to Touya, Eriol and Tomoyo.

Today is the 4th day. Sakura and Tomoyo are packing all of Sakura's clothing because Syaoran said that they are going to leave to Hong Kong China in 2 days.

"Sakura-chan, don't look sad. Listen, when Syaoran marries you and has a firm agreement that you are going to bear his heir, then you're going to get your vision back."

Sakura smiled sadly. "Yeah, but I'll also miss you guys. Even if I can't see you, I still feel your love."

"And Syaoran?"

"Him? I don't know, I mean…I don't even know if he'll love me, even as a friend."

Tomoyo sighed. "Ok listen, if Syaoran does anything, tell somebody you trust. Tell them your missing your family and you want to visit them. Tell them that if you don't get your damn wish you'll divorce Syaoran straight that second."

Sakura giggled. "Smart, but I can't call a lawyer can I?"

"Then tell the butler that you're missing Tomoyo and then tell me that you wanna divorce."

Sakura laughed out loud. "You're right. I'll do what ever you want me to do. And that Syaoran is no big threat. I'm 18 now, and he'll be 21."

Tomoyo smiled. "Listen baby, you do what ever you can if he wants to hurt you. But I doubt it."

"Obviously, he's your boyfriends cousin."

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