Chapter 29: Keep Your Filthy Hands Off

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Sakura was crying now as she started struggling. "Syaoran… no! You're hurt fuck it!" She yelled.

Syaoran glared up at Hiro and shot daggers towards him, "I won't let you have her… EVER!" he roared.

Hiro raised a brow, "Is that so?" He said. Hitomi threw a small ball onto the floor and smoke covered them all.

"SHIT NO!" Syaoran yelled as the boys ran to where Hiro just stood. After a few minutes, the cloud evaporated and where Hiro, Hitomi and Sakura once stood…

They weren't there anymore.

"HE TOOK SAKURA!" Syaoran roared as he got up, but the poison from the bullet was too much.

He fainted.

.- Two hours later -.

Syaoran woke up, gasping for air.

"SAKURA!" He roared as he whipped his head in every direction. He grabbed the closest person by the collar, which was Eriol, and gave a death threat.

"Where's my wife Eriol?" He growled.

"Where's is my SAKURA?" Syaoran screamed as he shook Eriol, who, somehow, remained calm.

"Syaoran… Hiro has her… Shoaling and Ryu went after her, along with Yoshiwa and Takashi… but the rest of us, Ryan, Mika… the girls, your partners, your parents… we're all here…" Eriol coughed.

Syaoran couldn't take it any longer. He pulled back his fist and gave it to Eriol in the jaw. Eriol's head snapped to the left as blood dripped out of his mouth, just a little, yet he said nothing.

Syaoran dug his head into his hands for a few seconds before jumping up. He grabbed the nearest keys, no caring who's it was, but it had an auto start so it would be easy. Before he could walk out, Ryan and Eriol grabbed his arms.

"No, we just got the bullet out of your leg man!" Ryan roared.

"I DON'T FUCKING GIVE! MY WIFE IS OUT THERE WITH SOME CRAZY ASS HOLE WHO MIGHT FUCKING KILL HER! MY LIFE MEANS NOTHING RIGHT NOW, ALL THAT MATTERS IS, IS SAKURA!" Syaoran growled as he pulled his way loose and ran outside, his leg wrapped up in a bandage. He basically limped, not run.

He hit the start button and Eriol's car started. Syaoran walked towards it and opened the door, jumping in. Just as he went into drive gear, Eriol jumped into the passengers seat, with Ryan, and Mika in the back.

"What the hell? First you wanted to stop me, now you wanna join me?" Syaoran scowled.

"You have no fucking idea where Sakura is do you? Shoaling, Ryu, Yoshiwa and Takashi kept us informed. They found the necklace Sakura was wearing by the main street by her high school." Eriol said.

"So we go to the school?" Ryan asked.

"That's logical…" Mika muttered.

"Ok, the school." Syaoran hissed as he sped off.

.- Hiro and the others -.

"LET ME GO!" Sakura screamed as Hiro pulled her into a white room.

"I don't think so my dear," Hiro smirked, "at fourth month pregnancy, you can do things."

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