Chapter 30: Taihen Yang Li and Taiyou Ying Li

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"Yea… I couldn't go to sleep… how's your leg?"

Syaoran chuckled, "Eriol called a doctor and he removed the bullet and wrapped my leg. It wasn't serious so they didn't need a leg cast."

"Are you sure?" Sakura whispered.

"Positive love, now go to sleep."

"Night Syaoran."

"Night Love." He replied, closing his eyes.

'Love.' Sakura thought before shutting her eyes.

.- 4 months later: Sakura's 8th month-.

(Oh yea, just so you know, Hiro is in jail since he lost his trial. He'll be in jail for a year and a half for kidnapping and attempt murder. And remember, I'm rushing the pregnancy…)

It was Sakura's 8th month into her pregnancy. It was currently February 2nd and her due date was nearing.

"Wai, I can't wait!" Sakura squealed as she sat on the sofa, her friends surrounding her. Kiyoumi, Hitomi, Chiharu, Rika, Naoko, Tomoyo, Mei Lin, Eriol, Shoaling, Ryu, Mika, Takashi, and Ryan were all sitting around talking. Syaoran was at the office.

"Neither can we! Is Touya and Auntie Nadesiko flying down?" Tomoyo asked.

Sakura nodded, "Yea, they're supposed to come by the 10th, since my due isn't until the 26th or something. Syaoran's sisters are coming with them too."

"What about Yam?" Chiharu asked Rika. Yam is Rika's older brother, as well as the manager of 5SD. It was him that called for the show, for no particular reason.

"He's coming down in a week. And that's when he feels the wrath of Ying Fa Li." Rika sniggered.

Sakura and the group laughed as Rika cracked her knuckles.

"So Sakura, how does it feel like to tug around two of Xiao Lang's twerps?" Shoaling asked.

Sakura grinned, "Heavy."

The grand hall boomed with laughter.

"But sooner or later, the twins will come out." Rika smiled.

"Taihen and Taiyou." Sakura grinned.

"Ying and Yang." Tomoyo smiled.

"Wow, you two are such planners." Takashi chuckled.

Eriol looked at him, "Than you should see Fanran."

Sakura sweat dropped, "Wow, does she ever plan."

So what can I say? Life goes on…

Ok, so a week passed, and it was Yam Sasaki's arrival date. Oh yea, Sakura was gonna box him down she was! Rika, Naoko, Chiharu and Tomoyo went to pick him up, accompanying them were their fiancé's (they were all engaged.)

Shoaling, Ryu, Mei Lin and Syaoran stayed home, with Sakura. Kiyoumi and Hitomi also lived with the Li family in Syaoran's mansion, but they were out shopping.

"When is mom and dad gonna arrive?" Sakura asked Syaoran as they snuggled up on the loveseat.

"Tomorrow night. The Li Clan was fighting about the twins birth and how Taihen wouldn't follow the Xiao Lang, Xiao Chen, Xenon X rule thingie, but mom and dad shut them up saying it was our children, and as long as we're getting an heir, they should be happy."

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