Chapter 6: I Cannot Accept

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On the ride to Hong Kong, Syaoran started explaining the rules.

"You must be properly dressed, don't worry, your personal maid Kitty will always be with you. If you ever need anything, call our personal butler Wei. If there are any questions to be asked, then ask my sisters, Fanran Fuutie Feimiel or Sheifa. And if there are any personal questions to be asked, either ask me, my mother Yelan or my father Xenon. You must be also be preparing for 2 things. Your operation and pregnancy. After you gain your vision back, I will explain the more detailed things you must learn."

Sakura sighed. "And after we divorce I can forget all this?"

Syaoran laughed. "Yes Sakura, after we divorce you can forget all this, but you must divorce me 3 years after our marriage okay?"

Sakura nodded.

Outside in the airport, their friends and family were watching them.

"Sakura will be safe right?" Tomoyo asked.

Eriol nodded. "Syaoran got a personal maid Kitty to look after Sakura and his cousin Mei Lin Li will also take care of Sakura. I personally talked with Mei Lin for Sakura."

Tomoyo nodded.

Touya sighed. "Their Going, and Going…and now, their gone."

And yet again, the girls burst out into tears.

-Ride to Hong Kong-

Sakura was very, very sleepy. Her head kept on lolling back and forth. She shook her head a few times to move the sleep away.

Syaoran saw this and slightly smiled.

"Hey Sakura, if you want to sleep, then go ahead, you can lean on me."

Sakura smiled. "You sure?" She asked.

Syaoran chuckled. "Of course."

Syaoran placed an arm around Sakura's shoulder and placed her head on his shoulder. Within seconds Sakura fell into a deep slumber.

Syaoran sighed. 'Will mother and father agree to a blind bride?' he thought.

Sakura snuggled up to Syaoran and yawned. Syaoran smiled looking at her.

'Even though, she is still a sight for sore eyes.' Within hours they reached Hong Kong Island.

Syaoran shook Sakura awake. She woke up. "Hoe?" she asked.

"Sakura, we're here."

She yawned and grabbed Syaoran's arm.

"Where… where are we going?"

"Home…my home…our home."

Sakura slightly smiled as Syaoran guided them outside of the plane.

"What about our stuff?" Sakura asked.

Syaoran grinned. "Don't worry, we have butlers."

Sakura sighed and continued walking with linked arms.

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