Chapter 36: My Own Darkness

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"They were drunk teenagers. They were found another 50 miles up, in a ditch. They were arrested." Naoko said.

"That's sad." Sakura muttered as she kissed her babies' heads.

"Visiting time is over. All visitors please leave immediately. Exception of those with special cards."

Mei Lin pouted. "Why does Taro and Tomoyo have them?"

"Because they love me more." Sakura grinned. The girls laughed as they hugged Sakura. They took the twins, not before they put wet kisses on Sakura's cheek.

Sakura lay down and shut her eyes.

'Is this what my life has become? Otou-san… I wanna thank you… for keeping Syaoran and I safe.' Sakura thought as she fell into a light, and dreamless sleep.

It's been two weeks since Sakura's bandages were taken off and well; her vision is 80 percent back. She can see figures that are close to her but things that are far away, such as her desk table, gets a little blurry.

"Mrs. Li, your vision will return a hundred percent in a few more days." Said the doctor.

"I hope. Doc how's Syaoran?" Sakura asked.

The doctor sighed. "Nothing new yet Mrs. Li. Your husband is in responsive state but no signs of his awakening yet."

Sakura groaned. "Kaho Mizuki told me that Syaoran might wake up in a month or something."

The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry Mrs. Li. It's highly unlikely that Mr. Li wakes up in a month. He has major wounds, internal bleeding, gashes, broken basically everything. His state in the coma is a way for him to heal, but the time it takes depends on how big the mental wound is. He risked his life to save you, and I think his mental wound will take a long time to heal…"

"What do you mean mental wound Doctor?" Sakura asked.

"I mean, his mind. He believes that you died and he doesn't want to live with that so he doesn't want to wake up."

Sakura's eyes widened. "Can I see him?"

The doctor shook his head. "No Mrs. Li, not until you get your entire vision back."

Sakura scowled as she lay down. The doctor smiled before shutting the lights and leaving.

'Syaoran… you have to wake up… I have to tell you… I Love You.' Sakura thought before falling asleep.

.- Else where -.

Running in the darkness… and getting nowhere.

"SAKURA!" came his voice… echoing off the walls of black.

"SAKURA! ERIOL! MEI LIN!" He screamed again, cupping his hands in front of his face to project his voice further.

"MOM! DAD!" He yelled again, now starting to pant…

'Where the fuck am I?' he thought as he sat on the black floor.

'Taihen, Taiyou.' He thought of his children.

Syaoran was trapped in his own darkness.

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