Chapter 32: Happy Birthday Queen Li

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"Yea well, no my undivided attention goes to my husband and kids." Sakura said as she tossed her water bottle into the garbage bin.

"I do hope so!" came Syaoran's voice. They all turned around to see the rest of the gang standing there.

Sakura got up and hugged her husband. "I'm tired." She moaned.

"Let's go home." Syaoran suggested softly.

Everybody agreed as they packed everything up, exited the back way and got into cars –they didn't bring limo's because it'd draw to much attention- and left.

'Sleep…' Sakura thought as she fell asleep in the car.

Syaoran saw his wife and smiled. He stopped at a red light and turned his head to check out the baby seats. His twins were sound asleep. So now, in the car was a driving husband, his wife sound asleep and his twins sleeping just as heavily as their mother.

'This is what I call a perfect family.' Syaoran thought.

.- Next Day -.


Sakura woke up moaning, "Unnh… breast feeding." She gurgled as she got out of bed. Syaoran was at work this morning. Today's twin check up for the girls was Fuutie. Sakura walked into find her sister-in-law cradling Ying as Yang hooting using all of his lungpower.

"Aww, Fuutie can you hush up Ying while I feed the stingy one?" Sakura moaned.

Fuutie yawned and nodded. It was early 7 in the morning and they were all still tired from yesterday.

"Why did your stupid brother go to work this morning?" Sakura asked as she sat down on a rocking chair, lifting her tank top. Fuutie sat on the sofa and cradled Ying.

"That stupid loser said that they got a business proposal with the second biggest Empire, The Ookami League. Dad, Shoaling and Syaoran both went."

Sakura sniffed as she took Yang from under her shirt. He started snoozing. Fuutie walked up to her and took Yang, handing Ying to her.

Sakura sighed as she placed Ying under her left breast and almost immediately Taiyou started sucking.

Sakura looked up Fuutie and smiled, "Thanks for coming so fast."

Fuutie grinned, "No problem. Tomorrow is Sheifa."

Sakura gulped, "Will she try to breast feed Taihen again?"

Two weeks ago Sheifa 'attempted' to breast feed Taihen because he was screaming to much. Syaoran got to the nursery in time to snatch his son away from his sister. Syaoran banned Sheifa from staying in the same room as the twins for two weeks.

"I hope not. If she does, Syaoran will kill her."

"Was she on crack when she tried that?" Sakura asked.

Fuutie shrugged, "Probably was."

After a few minutes fell asleep. Sakura knew she wasn't going to sleep again so she brought the twins to her bedroom. She lay them down on pillow's and caged them with pillow's around them. She then took a quick shower and walked out to see her brats still sleeping.

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