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The Secret Service Agent that held the door for the Prime Minister's Secretary spoke on his wrist microphone with a tone suggesting urgency. Then, he drew his service weapon and with a dive and roll, he stopped behind a trash bin. He waited for more shots to be fired, but it never came.

The other two Agents surrounding the Secretary's body listened to their instructions and coordinated their movements. Together, they lifted her body, and rushed her to the waiting Land Rover.

There is no time to wait for an ambulance!

They laid her in the back seat; one of the Agents slammed the rear door shut, and watched the driver pulling in traffic with a squeal of tires.

Richard stood up and backed away from the window. Holding the rifle low with one hand, he pushed the window down with the other, and closed the curtains. He turned around while unscrewing the silencer from the barrel of his

rifle. An agent suddenly started speaking in his earpiece and he felt a constricted feeling in his stomach as he listened.

There was a person watching me closing the window?

How could I have been so clumsy!

This means my location has been compromised...

He kept listening to their conversation, while gathering

as much information about their course of action. He needed to get out of there faster than he had anticipated. Carefully setting down the rifle inside of the case, he grabbed his 9 mm semi-automatic and checked how many bullets were in the cartridge.

I am five minutes walking distance from the Parliament...

A loud squealing of tires outside broke his concentration and he recalculated their time of arrival.

If they come in a car...make their arrival to be in approximately sixty seconds!

"Sir, I've received the latest update on the Secretary's shooter." Agent Fox said while looking at the Prime Minister. "We had a witness who said that she saw a window closing on third floor of a building at Saint Margaret Street. This occurred seconds after your Secretary was shot."

Impossible...that is two blocks from here! The Prime Minister thought.

He stood up from the chair and spoke angrily. "Dispatch Agents to that location, I want that building to be cordoned off. Check cameras, and contact Winterfield Switchboard. I want an Asset standing by!"

"Sir, Yes sir." He shot a glance at the Scotland Yard C.I.D. Detective Elizabeth Johnson and noticed that she had her hands to her mouth.

This is your fault!

The street was glossy with water and orange floodlights. The tires hissed and the windshield wipers thumped back and forth. The new and young Captain of the British Secret Service, Agent Bishop brought his unmarked government Land Rover to a halt, next to the line of vehicles that were parked near the curb while biting his bottom lip.

His radio chattered on the dashboard and he listened to the voice of the lead Agent.

"The witness stated that the window was closed is located on the left, three stories high. Team Alpha standby."

I'm on Delta's team. Agent Bishop thought as he looked through the windshield and studied the façade of the apartment house in question. The entrance door was opened, causing blue fluorescent light to spill out on the sidewalk. He observed the blinds of a window on the second floor coming down.

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