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Jessica followed Richard down the hall to the last door on the left. Light bulbs in decorative crystal glassware that were bolted to the wall, shaded a small amount of light to their surroundings. The doors were painted with a dark color. Gold numbers on the door marked each apartment.

Richard leaned his shoulder against the door to his apartment while reaching in his pocket for the key. Jessica rested her right hand on her hip, while using the fingers of her left hand to brush through her hair backwards. Her hair cascaded over her shoulders, causing her curls to stop just above her breasts. She noticed that Richard's gaze flickered at her, with what appeared to be mild interest.

"What are you thinking about honey?" She moved a strand of hair to behind her left ear.

He raised his gaze, and stared at her eyes.

"Ah..." he hesitated while waving his right hand hysterically by his left ear. "I was thinking about..."

Just say it!

"...I was thinking about how interesting, intimidating, and edgy person you are. You are amazing."

Is this a reference to how I am in bed?

"Aw. Thank you."

He felt his heart skipping a beat as she smiled at him. He then returned his attention to the door to his apartment and twisted the knob. Suddenly someone slammed a door shut down the hall, and they froze momentarily to listen for voices.

There was a sound of keys on a keychain and footsteps of someone walking on top of a carpet. Jessica stopped under the doorframe, and traced her right hand over his chest. The muscles were solid as iron. She thought about his boxer's abs and a desire to bite each muscle of his six packs; as she went down on him.

"I need to take a shower first..." She thought aloud.

"Excuse me?"

She stared straight into his eyes, looking past the

mesmerizing blue color. They were twinkling against the gleam from the lamp overhead.

"I was thinking aloud."

Richard saw the define muscles in her calves and thighs as she stepped inside of his apartment. She had a seductive walk that troubled his peace of mind.

"I'd take you to a party and have everybody's head turned." He mumbled.

"What did you say?" she stopped and looked back.

He used his index fingers to quote. "I was thinking out loud."

The beeping sound alarm broke their conversation. He walked to a wall where there was an alarm panel, and pressed some buttons. The beeping sound stopped. Jessica dropped the newspaper on top of the living room table, and walked to the window. The heavy curtain across the window was permitting a crack of light. It casted slats of shadows on the floor, and brought out a glow from a mahogany coffee table that was between a couch and a plasma T.V.

"How many places do you own?" Jessica asked him.

She noticed that he was doing something in the kitchen.

"I have lost count." He shrugged.

She snorted and shook her head in disbelief.

"What? You don't believe me?"

"It's just hard to believe how you could lose count of how many properties you own?" She asked him skeptically. "Who is doing the house cleaning? Who stays in charge of paying the bills? Are those places being rented?"

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