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Richard raised his hands to knock on the door to the female's restroom when Jessica suddenly pushed it open.

He wrinkled the lines on his forehead. "Are you feeling better?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, and glanced across the corridor. The Docent was standing near the tomb of Henry the VII, and he had the phone to one of his ear. Their location in the Abbey was so quiet, that she could almost hear the person over the line speaking. Agent Reynolds went to look for fresh cup of coffee on a nearby Café shopping plaza.

Richard kept looking at Jessica, and observed that her mascara was smeared, possibly from her tears. He could clearly point out that she was still shaken.

"I am truthfully sorry for putting you in this situation." Richard followed her gaze. "I just finished talking to the Docent, and suggested that we meet with the Dean at another time."

"Richard, no!" She walked around him. "We are here because of your Mother. Let's not focus on me." She approached the Docent.

He glanced at her and kept watching her approaching.

"I believe we are finally ready to see the Dean at this moment."

The Docent raised his brows, looked at Richard standing behind her, and watched him shrugging his shoulders. He spoke to the Dean over the phone and explained that they were on their way.

"Yes Ma'am. This way please."

Richard and Jessica followed the Docent and the signs for the exit via the Great West Doors. Jessica moved her bony fingers over the wooden door as she walked.

This is Britain's oldest door, dating back in the year 1050.

As they moved to another part of the Westminster Abbey, Jessica glanced to their left and saw a veiled woman kneeling behind a votive candle rack. Jessica bowed her head and quietly interceded for that woman.

I don't know what your offering is, but I hope that our Lord hear your prayers.

Her reality suddenly sank in as she felt the need to kneel down as well and ask God for guidance.

I am soon going to be in overall charge of the Royal throne of England.

She could hear a voice in her conscience that told her to be still and know that He is God!

Jessica glanced up at the ceiling as they were entering the East Cloister. The octagonal Chapter House is one of the largest chamber inside of an English Church. Back in the 1250's Monks met here every day for prayers and read a chapter from the rule of St. Benedict. The King's Great Council first assembled here in 1257. This was effectively the beginning of the English Parliament.

Wow! Jessica kept thinking while lowering her gaze. Nearly seven hundred years later, and the last Royal Bloodline of England steps inside for another possible meeting.

The Docent held his hand up for Jessica and Richard and gestured for them to wait a minute before entering. He then, pushed the heavy and tall wooden door to the Chapter House and stepped inside.

The Docent spotted the Dean standing at the right side of the Chapter House near the gigantic oil on canvas painting called The Coronation Theatre. There was a white cloth ruffled at the base of the tripod. The Dean had his back to the Docent. We was wearing a long, white linen liturgical vestment with tapered sleeves. There was an ornamental academic hood of red silk over his shoulders with the seal of the Westminster Abbey in gold on the center of his back between shoulder's blades.

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